Men's mighty mine-machines digging in the ground,
Stealing rare minerals where they can be found.
Concrete caves with iron doors, bury it again,
While a starving, frightened world fills the sea with grain.

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Album Review: Although no one is dumping excess grain in the ocean anymore, there are other, more subtle ways we waste grain (and food in general). We won't explore the details of that here, but the above lyrics do exemplify the theme of the Moody Blues' album A Question of Balance—that is, finding balance with nature and balance within ourselves. Without getting preachy about it, the Moodies craft thoughtful lyrics backed with amazing progressive music that is melodic, spacey, and warm. "Question" will be the song that most people are familiar with, but songs like "How Is It (We Are Here)," "Tortoise and the Hare," and "Dawning is the Day" are equally excellent. Overall, this concept album advances its theme without getting trapped in a cycle of sameness, remaining intriguing and delighting the ears throughout. And finally, you haven't lived until you've listened to the song "Melancholy Man" via headphones! Woah!