This page has energy books, including books about alternative energy.
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This page features all the best energy books; alternative energy books, including those about solar and wind energy; as well as books about the politics and economics of energy; and energy as it relates to the environment.
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Power from the People How to Organize, Finance, and Launch Local Energy Projects--A Community Resilience Guide (by Pahl, Greg)
Power from the People explores how homeowners, co-ops, nonprofit institutions, governments, and businesses can produce their own local, renewable energy. Pahl explains how to plan, organize, finance, and launch community-scale energy projects that harvest energy from sun, wind, water, and earth. He also explains why community power is a necessary step on the path to energy security and community resilience---particularly as we face peak oil, cope with climate change, and address the need to transition to a more sustainable future.
Confronting Collapse (by Michael C. Ruppert)
The Crisis of Energy and Money in a Post Peak Oil World
We have been lied to about the stock market, AIG, Citigroup, hedge funds, mortgages, Ponzi-schemes, 401(k)s, the invasion of Iraq... even steroids in baseball. Why accept as truth everything we have been told about energy? Most energy information comes from the same corporate entities that have misled us about everything else...
→ Read full description for Michael Ruppert's "Confronting Collapse"
→ Check out the book on Amazon.com
→ Note: Book was original issued under title "A Presidential Energy Policy"
Crude World (by Peter Maass)
The Violent Twilight of Oil
Peter Maass examines the social, political, and environmental impact of petroleum on the countries that produce it. Every unhappy oil-producing nation is unhappy in its own way, but all are touched by the "resource curse"—the power of oil to exacerbate existing problems and create new ones. From Saudi Arabia to Equatorial Guinea, from Venezuela to Iraq, the stories of rebels, royalty, middlemen, environmentalists, indigenous activists, and CEOs come together in this account of the consequences of our addiction to oil.
$20 Per Gallon How the Inevitable Rise in the Price of Gasoline Will Change Our Lives for the Better (by Christopher Steiner)
Imagine an everyday world in which the prices of gasoline and other oil-derived products continue to go up---and up, and up. Beyond the obvious changes to driving habits and vehicle purchases, telecommuting would likely expand rapidly. Homes in the "ex-urbs" would become untenable and unsellable.. Trains would once again become the main mode of transportation. Plastic products go away because of the rising price of petrochemicals. Steiner, an engineer by training, tracks the many changes that would be driven by a simple but constant rise in oil and gas prices, showing how this will totally re-structure our lifestyles.
Blackout (by Richard Heinberg)
Coal, Climate, and the Last Energy Crisis
Coal fuels half of US electricity production and can be used as a replacement for some petroleum-based fuels. China and India's ferocious economic growth is powered by coal. But while coal looks like a solution to our energy problem, it has drawbacks: it is far less plentiful that coal-boosters say, with peak production only 2-3 decades away; the coal power industry is subject to water shortages and is heavily reliant on diesel fuel; coal mining is highly polluting and disruptive; coal is the linchpin in avoiding climate disruption. Blackout goes to the heart of the tough energy questions that will dominate every sphere of public policy throughout the first half of this century.
Stupid to the Last Drop How Alberta Is Bringing Environmental Armageddon to Canada (And Doesn't Seem to Care) (by William Marsden)
In its desperate search for oil and gas riches, Alberta is leveling its northern Boreal forest to get at the oil sands, and carpet-bombing its southern half with tens of thousands of gas wells. In so doing, it is running out of water, destroying its range land, wiping out its forests and wildlife, and spewing greenhouse gases at a rate that is unrivalled in Canada or almost anywhere else in the world. Alberta is digging, drilling, and blasting its way to oblivion, becoming the ultimate symbol of Canada's---and the world's---pathological will to self-destruct.
Uranium (by Tom Zoellner)
War, Energy, and the Rock That Shaped the World
Marie Curie gave us hope that uranium would be a miracle panacea, but the Manhattan Project gave us reason to believe that civilization would end with apocalypse. Fortunes have been made from this yellow dirt; massive energy grids have been run from it. Fear of it panicked the American people into supporting a questionable war with Iraq and its specter threatens to create another conflict in Iran. Now, some are hoping it can help avoid a global warming catastrophe.
The Tyranny of Oil (by Antonia Juhasz)
The World's Most Powerful Industry—and What We Must Do to Stop It
Antonia Juhasz investigates the true state of the US oil industry—uncovering its global power and influence over our elected officials and regulators as well as the lies it tells the public. Juhasz models her prescription for breaking the power of Big Oil on the approach take with Standard Oil, the most powerful corporation of the early twentieth century, whose stranglehold on the economy and government was broken only by the vision and persistence of activists and like-minded politicians.
Coming Clean (by Michael Brune)
Breaking America's Addiction to Oil and Coal
Three quarters of Americans believe the US should be energy-independent and that the government should do more to help arrest climate change. Yet Congress and the White House take only tiny steps toward these goals, and large-scale investment in clean energy lags far behind the urgent demand. Michael Brune's vivid reports depict the economic, environmental, moral, and public-health costs of fossil-fuel dependence. Brune also describes the most promising developments in renewables, biofuels, and efficient design, and outlines an inspiring vision of the clean energy future within reach.
A Declaration of Energy Independence
How Freedom from Foreign Oil Can Improve National Security, Our Economy, and the Environment (by Jay Hakes)
In response to the oil crises of the 1970s, America developed a bipartisan energy policy that made us safer, greener, and far less dependent on foreign oil. It was so successful that American oil imports fell by 50% and greenhouse gas emissions dropped 9% in just five years. How was this possible, and how can we do it again? A Declaration of Energy Independence, written by one of the country's top energy experts, outlines seven economically and politically viable paths to energy independence.
Power to Change the World
Alternative Energy and the Rise of the Solar City (by S.L. Klein)
The looming US energy crisis is inextricably intertwined with the country's geopolitical strategy. The coming storm could result in a global economic, political, social, and ecological disaster. This book explores the premise that the complex threat we face can be mitigated by addressing the energy crisis. It describes how we got to this critical point in our history, what has kept us from effective action, and how we can stop funding our enemies, stop polluting our planet, regain our energy independence, and put Western Civilization on a more secure foundation.
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Something's Rising (by Silas House, Jason Howard)
Appalachians Fighting Mountaintop Removal
Developed as an alternative to strip mining, mountaintop removal mining consists of blasting away the tops of mountains, dumping waste into the valleys, and retrieving the exposed coal. This process buries streams, pollutes wells and waterways, and alters fragile ecologies in the region. The people who live, work, and raise families in central Appalachia face not only the physical destruction of their land but also the loss of their culture and health in a society dominated by the consequences of mountaintop removal.
Not One Drop (by Riki Ott)
Betrayal and Courage in the Wake of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
In the early 1970s, Alaska Senator Ted Stevens promised Cordova fishermen "not one drop" of oil would be spilled in Prince William Sound from proposed tanker traffic and the trans-Alaska pipeline project. Fishermen knew better. Spanning nearly 40 years, Not One Drop is an extraordinary tale of ordinary people who take on the world’s richest oil companies and most powerful politicians to protect Prince William Sound from oil accidents.
Coal River How a few brave Americans took on a powerful company—and the federal government—to save the land they love
In southern West Virginia, coal companies are blasting the mountains—decapitating them for coal. The forested ridge tops and valley streams of Appalachia are being destroyed, along with towns and communities. Most Americans have no idea it's happening. Coal River chronicles the laudable efforts of locals to fight the odious practice of mountaintop removal in the courts and through grassroots activism. (by Michael Shnayerson)
Internal Combustion
How Corporations and Governments Addicted the World to Oil and Derailed the Alternatives (by Edwin Black)
Internal Combustion is the compelling tale of the corruption and manipulation that has subjected the United States and the world to an oil addiction that could have been avoided. It traces a continuum of rapacious energy cartels and special interests throughout history that killed electric vehicles a century ago and the mass transit systems in dozens of cities half a century later. The book further lays out how special interests have subverted synthetic fuels and other alternatives, showcasing overlooked compressed-gas, electric, and hydrogen cars on the market today.
Apollo's Fire Igniting America's Clean Energy Economy
In 1961, President John F. Kennedy ignited America’s Apollo Project and sparked a revolution in space exploration. Today, the New Apollo Energy Project is poised to revolutionize the production of energy and thereby save our planet—and us. The nation that built the world’s most powerful rockets, its most advanced computers, and its most sophisticated life support systems is ready to create the world’s most powerful solar energy systems, its most advanced wind energy turbines, and its most sophisticated hybrid cars. This book tells the stories of the people who are right now on the front lines of the energy revolution. (by Jay Inslee, Bracken Hendricks)
Freedom From Oil (by David Sandalow)
How the Next President Can End the United States' Oil Addiction
Freedom from Oil explores what would happen if the next US president made breaking America's addiction to oil a top priority. The book discusses plug-in cars, biofuels, and traffic-flow improvement as part of the solution. Drawing on both his government experience and energy expertise, Sandalow depicts the President's top advisers as they explore options, shape solutions, and create national policy.
The Grid (by Phillip F. Schewe)
A Journey Through the Heart of Our Electrified World
The electrical grid goes everywhere—it's the largest, most complex machine ever made. Yet the system is built in such a way that the bigger it gets, the more inevitable its collapse. Constructed of intricately interdependent components, the grid operates on a rapidly shrinking margin for error. As we get more and more dependent on electricity to perform even the most mundane daily tasks—from infrared urinals and sinks to automatic doors—the grid's inevitable shortcomings will take a toll on populations around the globe.
Oil on the Brain Adventures From the Pump to the Pipeline
Americans buy ten thousand gallons of gasoline per second, without giving much thought to where it all comes from. Spurred on by her own curiosity, Lisa Margonelli journeyed from her local gas station to oil fields half a world away; to the oil trading markets in New York; and to many other little-known corners of the planet's "petroleum-production machine." Deftly piecing together the mammoth economy of oil, Margonelli finds a series of stark warning signs for American drivers. (by Lisa Margonelli)
Lives Per Gallon The True Cost of Our Oil Addiction
Terry Tamminen tracks single drop of oil from ground to gas tank to show the havoc it wreaks along its path—from drilling rigs and belching tankers to refineries and fueling stations and tailpipes. He makes the case that through much stronger conservation measures and greater use of biofuels and hydrogen, we can be on the on the path to energy independence in less than 20 years. (by Terry Tamminen)
Big Coal The Dirty Secret Behind America's Energy Future
Coal already supplies half of the electricity used in the US. Our desire to find a homegrown alternative to Mideast oil, the rising cost of oil and natural gas, and the fossil-fuel-friendly mood in Washington will soon push our coal consumption through the roof. Jeff Goodell examines the faulty assumptions underlying coal's revival and shatters the myth of cheap coal energy. (by Jeff Goodell)
Electric Universe How Electricity Switched on the Modern World
In Electric Universe, David Bodanis weaves tales of romance, divine inspiration, and fraud in his lucid account of the invisible force that permeates our universe. The book covers electricity's backstories—not just of giants like Thomas Edison, but also lesser known figures like the visionary Michael Faraday, who struggled against the prejudices of the British class system; Samuel Morse, a painter who, before inventing the telegraph, ran for mayor of New York on a platform of persecuting Catholics; and Alan Turing, whose dream of a marvelous thinking machine—what we know as the computer—was met with indifference, and who ended his life in despair after British authorities forced him to undergo experimental treatments to “cure” his homosexuality. In these pages, the virtuoso scientists who plumbed the secrets of electricity come vividly to life. (by David Bodanis)
Children of the Sun (by Alfred W. Crosby)
A History of Humanity's Unappeasable Appetite for Energy
Alfred W. Crosby explores how humanity's successes have hinged on effective uses of solar energy—from cooking to exploitation of fossil fuels. But dwindling natural resources, global warming, and environmental pollution all testify to the limits of our fossil-fuel civilization. Although we haven't yet adopted a feasible alternative—just look at the embarrassment of "cold fusion" or the 2003 blackout that humbled North America—our ingenuity and adaptability as a species give us hope.
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books about peak oil, collapse, and resilience
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The Gas Mileage Bible (by Kenny Joines, Ron Hollenbeck)
Everyone knows that gas prices are going up and pinching your pocketbook. The Gas Mileage Bible is the amazingly simple answer for millions of motorists who are stung by high gas prices and want up to 30% better gas mileage QUICKLY and EASILY. Most people don't realize that by performing these steps to improve your gas mileage, your vehicle will also last longer, require less maintenance, and perform better! Joines and Hollenbeck tell you how to improve your fuel economy using simple, clear steps that anyone can follow while exploding the myths about using expensive gadgets and gimmicks.
Energy: Use Less - Save More (by Jon Clift and Amanda Cuthbert)
Did you know that lowering the temperature of your thermostat by a mere 2 degrees Fahrenheit could reduce your energy bill by 10 percent? Or that energy-efficient light bulbs last about 12 times longer than ordinary bulbs and consume one-fifth the energy? This is just the beginning of what you'll learn in this handy book, containing more than one hundred ideas for saving energy. These tips will save you money, and help you take your first steps in the fight against global warming and other air pollution.
Basics of Energy Efficient Living (by Lonnie Wibberding)
A Beginner's Guide to Alternative Energy and Home Energy Savings
This book explains the principles behind energy-efficient living, answering questions such as: What is R-value? How much energy could I get from my creek? Can I use alternative energy in the city? How much heat will it take to keep my house warm? How much heat will I lose if I put in a bigger window? Learn what it takes to save energy, then take the next step and collect your own by finding out how much energy you can get from water, sun, wind, and wood. Then apply energy principles to make an energy budget and design your energy projects or house step-by-step.
Insulate and Weatherize (by Bruce Harley)
Expert Advice from Start to Finish
Part of Taunton's "Build Like a Pro" series; provides information that will allow homeowners to improve their home's energy efficiency, saving money, lowering resource usage, and reducing pollution; also explains the underlying principles of why each fix works.
136 Best Ways to Save on Your Home Energy (by Sunset Books)
Among the topics covered are energy-saving tips; money-saving projects you can do yourself; saving money on lighting; caulking and weatherstripping; programmable thermostats; insulation essentials; and improvements that lower hot water costs.
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Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes
Second Edition (by Aldo DaRosa)
Da Rosa's guide explains the scientific and technological principles and processes that enable energy production from safe, renewable, clean sources. This updated edition provides an understanding of the most popular types of renewable energy—hydrogen, solar power, biomass, wind power, and hydropower—from the ground up.
Alcohol Fuel (by Richard Freudenberger)
A Guide to Making and Using Ethanol as a Renewable Fuel
Alcohol Fuel is a practical guide to making and using ethanol for fuel, with a focus on small-scale production, especially in cooperative ventures in rural communities. The book covers basic equipment needs, fermentation recipes, and distillation designs.
Wind Energy Basics (Second Edition) (by Paul Gipe)
A Guide to Home- and Community-Scale Wind-Energy Systems
The availability of clean, renewable power is without question going to be the defining challenge of the 21st century, and wind will lead the way. Paul Gipe explains how wind power can replace most of the coal- and natural-gas-fired electrical plants in the US AND add enough extra power capacity to allow for most of the cars in the nation to run on electricity. Wind Energy Basics also offers a how-to for home-based wind applications, with advice on which equipment and turbines to choose.
Power From the Wind (by Dan Chiras)
Achieving Energy Independence
Power From the Wind is an easy-to-understand guide for individuals and businesses interested in installing small wind energy systems. It includes information on ways to assess wind resources at your site; wind turbines, towers, inverters, and batteries; and installation, maintenance, and costs. This book is designed to help readers make the smartest, most economical choices.
The Human-Powered Home
Choosing Muscles Over Motors (by Tamara Dean)
Human power is a very old, practical, and empowering alternative to fossil fuels. Some of the advantages: portable and available on-demand; close connection to the process or product; improved health and fitness. The Human-Powered Homeoffers plans for making specific devices, grouped by area of use, and features dozens of individuals who share technical details and photos of their inventions.
Sun in a Bottle (by Charles Seife)
The Strange History of Fusion and the Science of Wishful Thinking
Nuclear fusion promised to be a virtually unlimited source of power, but for the past half-century, governments and research teams have tried unsuccessfully to adapt the technology of the sun. Throughout this fascinating journey, Charles Seife introduces us to the daring geniuses, villains, and victims of fusion science, showing how scientists have gotten burned trying to harness the power of the sun.
Renewable Energy Made Easy Free Energy from Solar, Wind, Hydropower, and Other Alternative Energy Sources (by David Craddock)
Renewable Energy Made Easy will provide you with everything you need to know about alternative energy sources like solar, wind, wave and tide, ethanol and other biofuels, geothermal, and hydrogen. The author considers the availability, cost, aesthetics, and environmental considerations for each of these technologies—all in jargon-free and easy-to-understand language.
Geothermal Heat Pumps (by Karl Ochsner)
A Guide for Planning and Installing
This book is a comprehensive guide to geothermal heat pumps, enabling any installer, engineer, or architect to design, select, and install a domestic geothermal heat pump system. Internationally respected expert Karl Ochsner introduces basic theory, reviews a wide variety of available heat pump models, discusses geographical implications, and provides tips on system control.
Green: Your Place in the New Energy Revolution (by Jane Hoffman, Michael J. Hoffman)
Green explores the gamut of issues associated with renewable energy, cutting through the hype and polemics surrounding ecologically friendly technologies to present the unvarnished truth. It will guide the reader through the misinformation and confusion over global warming, and demonstrate the degree to which renewable energy can be part of the solution.
Sustainable Ethanol (by Jeffrey Goettemoeller, Adrian Goettemoeller)
Biofuels, Biorefineries, Cellulosic Biomass, Flex-Fuel Vehicles, and Sustainable Farming for Energy Independence
Sustainable Ethanol explores the benefits and limitations of North America's fuel ethanol industry. The book explains how the end of cheap oil is providing an opening for biofuels; how North America can produce significant quantities of biofuels without damaging our food production capacity; how sustainable farming methods are reducing ethanol's reliance on fossil fuels; and how cellulosic ethanol can be made from waste materials and soil-restoring perennial crops.
Cape Wind Money, Celebrity, Class, Politics, and the Battle for Our Energy Future on Nantucket Sound (by Wendy Williams and Robert Whitcomb)
When Jim Gordon set out to build a wind farm off the coast of Cape Cod, he knew some people might object. But there was merit in creating a privately funded, clean energy source for energy-starved New England, and he felt sure most people would recognize that eventually. Instead, all hell broke loose. This acidly funny account of the battle is a fascinating window on the business and politics of energy and a scathing portrait of the ruling class.
Energy Switch Proven Solutions for a Renewable Future
Declining oil supplies and the environmental impact of coal dictate a switch to renewable energy sources. What mix of renewables is feasible as a major source of energy? At what cost and with what drawbacks? In what time period? The book examines the shortcomings and benefits of various energy sources; "ecological tax reform," efficiency improvement, and demand management strategies; and how the US can once again become a renewable energy leader. (by Craig Morris)
The Homeowner's Guide to Renewable Energy Achieving Energy Independence through Solar, Wind, Biomass and Hydropower
As the price of energy continues to rise, homeowners will scramble to cut their energy bills and insulate themselves against interruptions in modern society's centralized energy production and distribution system. That means (a) making dramatic improvements in home energy efficiency, and (b) using clean, affordable, renewable energy resources to heat and cool homes, to provide hot water and electricity, and even to cook. The Homeowner's Guide to Renewable Energy tells you how. (by Dan Chiras )
Biodiesel Basics and Beyond (by William H. Kemp)
A Comprehensive Guide to Production and Use for the Home and Farm
Biodiesel Basics and Beyond aims to separate fact from fiction and to educate potential home, farm, and cooperative manufacturers on the economic production of quality biodiesel from both waste and virgin oil feedstock. The book includes: detailed processes and equipment required to produce biodiesel fuel that meets North American standards; how farmers can use excess oilseed as a feedstock for biodiesel production; the use of the co-byproduct glycerin in the making of soap; a guide to numerous reference materials and a list of supplier data. This is North America's definitive guide to responsibly producing biodiesel from waste vegetable oil while minimizing your environmental footprint in the process.
The Hydrogen Economy The Creation of the Worldwide Energy Web and the Redistribution of Power on Earth (by Jeremy Rifkin)
"Weaning the world off oil and turning it toward hydrogen is a promissory note for a safer world," writes Jeremy Rifkin. The Hydrogen Economy presents a clear, comprehensive case for moving ourselves away from the destructive and waning years of the oil era toward a new kind of energy regime. Hydrogen—one of the most abundant substances in the universe—may hold the key.
The Hype About Hydrogen (by Joseph J. Romm)
Fact and Fiction in the Race to Save the Climate
A decade from now, will we be pulling into the local filling station to tank up with hydrogen fuel? Will we all be breathing super-clean air because our cars' exhaust will be just water? Not so fast, says Joseph Romm. Hydrogen technology has at least two decades of development time in front of it. Find out how we should be addressing our energy and pollution problems in the meantime.
Microhydro Clean Power from Water
Microhydro—small-scale power generation using water from streams and natural elevation differences—is a simple, reliable, inexpensive way to generate power off-grid. Highly illustrated and practical, Microhydro covers general principles; AC and DC systems and equipment options; design and site considerations; and legal, environmental, and economic factors. (by Scott Davis)
Biodiesel: Growing A New Energy Economy (by Greg Pahl)
A crop-derived liquid fuel, biodiesel can be made from a wide range of renewable, locally grown plant sources—even from recycled cooking oils or animal fats. The technology is simple and available today. Greg Pahl explores the history and technology of biodiesel, its current use around the world, and its exciting potential in the United States and beyond.
Power With Nature: Solar and Wind Energy Demystified
At some point this century, nearly ALL energy will be coming from renewable sources. Solar and wind energy are likely to be the leaders among the various flavors of ala little something about ternative energy. The author serves up a primer on wind and solar so we'll know how the lights will be kept on a few decades or so from now. (by Rex A. Ewing)
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Solar Energy Books
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Clean Money (by John Rubino)
Picking Winners in the Green Tech Boom
In Clean Money, John Rubino introduces readers to the world of clean tech (also known as green tech) and its wealth creation potential. He explores the technologies that will drive the coming clean-tech boom---from solar power to biofuels---and shows how these renewable resources will spawn successful companies and rising share prices. He also covers the state of their markets, their growth prospects, and the companies that are best positioned to become tomorrow's success stories.
The Collapsing Bubble Growth And Fossil Energy
Contending that the energy debate should not be framed as "What energy sources will be available to replace fossil fuels?" but rather as "What population can be supported at a decent standard by the energy sources that will be available after the transition from fossil fuels?" Grant argues thats we can create a more harmonious balance with the rest of the biosphere—but at much lower population levels with less consumptive habits. (Lindsey Grant)
Profit from the Peak (by Brian Hicks, Chris Nelder)
The End of Oil and the Greatest Investment Event of the Century
There is no doubt that oil production will peak—if it hasn't already—and that all other fossil fuels will peak soon after. The important questions for investors are: when will it happen, to what extent, and what can I do to capitalize on it? Divided into three comprehensive parts—"The Crisis in a Barrel"; "Making Money from the Fossil Fuels That Are Left"; and "Energy after Oil"—the book contains the information you need to successfully navigate this epic event. But Profit from the Peak is more than just a guide to capitalizing on a potential energy crisis. By asking how this situation could affect you as both an investor and an individual, it offers a sobering assessment of where we are and what it will take to find a way forward amid the coming changes.
Petrodollar Warfare: Oil, Iraq and the Future of the Dollar
Petrodollar Warfare argues that the 2003 Iraq war was not a response to terrorism or weapons of mass destruction, but rather was precipitated by the imminent peak in global oil production and the ascendance of the euro currency. Iraq had switched to doing oil transactions in euros—rather than US dollars—and the Bush administration wanted to prevent further OPEC momentum towards the euro. The author warns that without changing course, the American experiment will end the way all empires end—with military overextension and subsequent economic decline. (by William R. Clark)
The Oil Factor (by Stephen and Donna Leeb)
How Oil Controls the Economy and Your Financial Future
We need to worry about our energy future, but we also need to worry about our financial futures. This book combines the two notions, offering general investment advice based on the authors' analysis that an oil crisis is coming and that it will mean trouble for many stocks.
Crossing the Rubicon (by Michael C. Ruppert)
The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil
REVIEW: Michael Ruppert makes a compelling case that peak oil is the beginning of the end for our industrial civilization and is driving the elites of American power to implement unthinkably draconian measures of repression, warfare, and population control. Though the fuse to Ruppert's argument is peak oil, the dynamite is the assertion (and wealth of evidence) that the war in Iraq—and even the attacks of 9/11—have been orchestrated by the neocon power players in the US to maintain access to the one thing that ensures their continued political control and wealth—oil. Though overly detailed at times, this is a powerful book, and it will forever change your view of "how things really work."
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Greenwar (by Steven Gould, Laura J. Mixon, FICTION)
Emma Tooke has devoted her life to Gulfstream, a company dedicated to harvesting clean energy from the sea, battling corporate treachery and hurricanes along the way. Emma now faces a band of extremist vigilantes who consider Gulfstream evil for suggesting that an American energy corporation can be a force for environmental reform. The group tries to use an old flame of Emma's to get past her defenses—and the project's.
Dies the Fire (by S.M. Stirling)
The Change occurred when an electrical storm centered over the island of Nantucket produced a blinding white flash that rendered all electronic devices, fuels, and firearms inoperable. What unfolds in the aftermath of this event is the most terrible global catastrophe in the history of the human race—a Dark Age more universal and complete than could possibly be imagined. Related book: The Sunrise Lands
Also see the fiction section of the Peak Oil Books page
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High Noon for Natural Gas The New Energy Crisis
Blackouts, rising gas prices, changes to the Clean Air Act, proposals to open wilderness to gas drilling—all are tied to our increasing dependence on natural gas for electricity generation. High Noon For Natural Gas discusses why this dependence has the potential to cause serious environmental, political, and economic consequences in the near future. (by Julian Darley)
Crude: The Story of Oil (by Sonia Shah)
Crude is the unexpurgated story of oil, from the circumstances of its birth millions of years ago to the spectacle of its rise as the indispensable ingredient of modern life. It fuels our SUVs, paves our roads, and makes plastics possible. The modern world is drenched in oil. Crude explores how it came to be, as well as the great human drama of it—innovation, risk, riches, and greed.
The New Great Game Blood and Oil in Central Asia
Desperate to wean itself from dependence on the powerful OPEC cartel, the United States is pitted in a struggle against Russia and China, competing for dominance in the oil- and gas-rich Caspian region and access to its resources and pipeline routes. Based on extensive research and travel in the regions, The New Great Game is a savvy analysis of the power struggle for the world's remaining energy resources. (by Lutz Kleveman)
Energy at the Crossroads: Global Perspectives and Uncertainties
How do we reconcile the world's unceasing demand for energy with the absolute necessity to preserve the integrity of the biosphere? Smil discusses energy production; the pros and cons of fossil fuels and alternative fuels; energy prices and the real cost of energy; and "energy linkages"—the effect energy issues have on the economy, on quality of life, on the environment, and in wartime. (by Vaclav Smil)
Power to the People (by Vijay Vaitheeswaran)
How the Coming Energy Revolution Will Transform an Industry, Change Our Lives, and Maybe Even Save the Planet
We're not running out of energy, but the environment is suffering from the TYPE of energy we're using. The author thinks fuel cells and market forces will be key to our energy future.
You Can Prevent Global Warming (and Save Money!)
51 Easy Ways (by Jeffrey Langholz, Kelly Turner)
Learn the benefits of compact fluorescent bulbs, energy-efficient refrigerators, cheaper heating and cooling techniques, smarter shopping, and more—all designed to save you money and reduce global warming and other environmental problems.
Coal: A Human History (by Barbara Freese)
Coal gets whipped on a lot by green advocates, but coal's part in the evolution of the industrialized world is central and undeniable. And even today, if coal were to abruptly be pulled from the energy equation, the resulting energy-production gap would be sizeable and problematic. Freese recognizes and explores coal's role in how we arrived in this industrialized world as well as coal's serious environmental problems. (by Barbara Freese)
Power Failure The Inside Story of the Collapse of Enron
Enron's aggressive growth "techniques" and its mega-ton collapse will remain in memory for a long time. Sherron Watkins, the primary whistleblower in the case, will no doubt be thankful for relative obscurity in the future, but here her story and Enron's escapades are chronicled. Read the book and you'll know why Enron is so reviled. (by Mimi Swartz and Sherron Watkins)
Easy Ways To Save Gas & Save Money (by Mel Leiding)
How To Fight High Gas Prices
There are many ways to get more driving miles out of that pricey petroleum product we pump into our tanks every week, and this book has them all. The author claims that by following his suggestions, you'll be able to get at least 30% better gas mileage than an average driver. (by Mel Leiding)
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