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CATEGORY: AGRICULTURE — 08.FEB.2015 Agroinnovations Podcast Food Hubs —
Erik Hoffner talks about the local food movement, focusing on the exciting development of "food hubs" that are springing up across the country. He describes the opportunities of scale and collaboration food hubs and related innovations are providing for local food entrepreneurs. Also discussed are energy cooperatives, fair trade, and the prospects for sustainable agriculture to replace the industrial model. GP comment: This is probably going to be of most interest to farmers and small processors, but these are good trends for everyone to be hearing about. Original Show Pub Date: 19.Jan.2015 CATEGORY: AGRICULTURE, FOOD, GMOs — 09.DEC.2014 Food Sleuth Radio The Seed Underground—A Growing Revolution to Save Food —
Janisse Ray discusses the threat to seed sovereignty posed by multinationals like Monsanto, which are endeavoring to lock up the food-related profit stream from field to fork by owning the means of production. She explains how activism and seed saving both play a role in the fight. GP comment: A simple solution would be to pass a constitutional amendment banning patents on life forms. Um, did I say simple? Original Show Pub Date: 13.Nov.2014 CATEGORY: AGRICULTURE, LABOR ISSUES — 03.DEC.2014 Democracy Now Food Chains: New Film Tracks How Immokalee Farm Workers Won Fair Wages from Corporate Giants —
A new film, Food Chains, documents the groundbreaking partnership between farm workers, Florida tomato farmers, and some of the largest fast-food and grocery chains in the world. Twelve corporations have agreed to join the Fair Food Program, including McDonald’s, Taco Bell and WalMart. Participants agree to pay a premium for the tomatoes in order to support a "penny per pound" bonus that is then paid to the tomato pickers. Soon, the Fair Food label will appear on Florida tomatoes at participating stores. Gerardo Reyes-Chavez, a farm worker and organizer with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, discusses the issue. GP comment: Like all industrial products, modern food corporations do their best to put their "externalities" on the shoulders of others. Farm workers have always gotten more than their share of the unfairness. Original Show Pub Date: 21.Nov.2014 MORE Get more audio clips on gardening, farming, and permaculture (and many more topics) in Grinning Planet's biweekly downloadable audio news feed. |
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