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FEB 2014


FEB 2014

Rating: 5 RATINGS... for each clip are out of a possible 5.

TOPIC INDEX FOR FEB 2014   (Or just keep scrolling down!)



Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen NPR

FEMA Flood Insurance Law Faces Partial Repeal Over High Premiums — The House of Representatives is expected to vote as early as next week to partially repeal a 2012 law thatoverhauled the National Flood Insurance Program, which is tens of billions of dollars in debt. The man walking near levee law was meant to make people living in flood-prone areas foot more of the insurance bill. But lawmakers didn't realize how many homeowners would be affected or just how high some of the new premiums would be.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   4:51

GP comment:  Even after so many flood disasters throughout history, municipalities have never seen fit to stop permitting building in flood zones. People always want to "hope for the best on the cheap," but most will want financial rescue if the worst happens.

Original Show Pub Date: 27.Feb.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Gary Null Show

Human Rights Hypocrisy in America — Gary Null discusses the evidence against fluoride and offers a commentary on Obama and the national security state. Ex-Army intelligence officer and CIA analyst Ray McGovern talks about the decline of human rights and free speech in America; US foreign policy hypocrisies; and the US role in the collapse of the Ukraine.
Download/listen   1:02:26

GP comment:  Null and McGovern are totally on-target here.

Original Show Pub Date: 25.Feb.2014


Rating: 2 of 5 - OK; if you've got the time... Red Ice Radio

Karen Hudes—Former World Bank Insider—on the Vast Corruption of the Global Elites — For 21 years, lawyer Karen Hudes was on the senior council of the World Bank (IMF). Karen has become known as a whistleblower and she has been outspoken about her time at the World Bank and the corruption that she saw there. She speaks on issues related to economics, global policies and government organizations. In this program, she explains the global network of corrupt elites, their financial machinations, their extra-legal activities, and how things are going to change in the next few years unless we act.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   1:45:21

GP comment:  Hudes is probably right on most of what she asserts here, but she needs to reign in her presentation, which touches on too many speculative and misdirective issues. For instance, I am highly dubious that there's one guy who has the means to claw back the gold/wealth from the elite parasites, and is planning to do so for the benefit of all people.

Original Show Pub Date: 21.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Progressive News Hour

Ellen Brown on Credit Card Grift and Mortgage Fraud — Ellen Brown discusses how banks make large fees on credit card transactions, regardless of whether the customer pays their full balance or just the minimum. She also talks about the mortgage fraud related to real estate mortgage investment conduits (REMICs), as well as the Richmond, CA, mayor who is getting creative at trying to claw back money stolen by the banksters.
Download/listen   52:36

GP comment:  We all CLAIM that we want to unseat the banksters, so here is a simple test: Are we willing to stop using our credit cards? If we can't take that first step, then the rest is just idle talk.

Original Show Pub Date: 23.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen ExtraEnvironmentalist

Regarding Revolutions, pt B — Will revolutions like those in Egypt lead to a true alternative or merely perpetuate the failed dynamics of the past? Using that question as a starting point, David Blacker discusses the failures of the current capitalist model, the broken standardized-testing approach to education, and how we can possibly escape the current morass.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   1:37:36

GP comment:  Decent if meandering conversation, though not as riveting as Frank Rotering in Part A.

Original Show Pub Date: 11.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen TUC Radio

Ithaca Community Money — Ithaca Hours—a local currency issued for the town of Ithaca, NY and surrounding area—has been in continuous use since 1991, with popularity rising and diminishing with fluctuations in the overall economy. Each paper bill is a small piece of art and a commentary on the Federal Reserve currency. Maria Gilardin takes us with her on a visit to Ithaca.
Go to page A  |  Download/listen A   29:00
Go to page B  |  Download/listen B   29:00

GP comment:  This is largely archival material—her visit was nearly two decades ago, but she overdubs some updates. The story is worth hearing again, however, as it touches on many of the important topics we need to know about how community currencies work in practice: gaining community participation, avoiding counterfeiting, having a strong program manager, etc.

Original Show Pub Date: 11.Feb.2014


Rating: 2 of 5 - OK; if you've got the time... Fresh Air

How Corporations Influence Congress — Eric Lipton, an investigative reporter for The New York Times, has been writing about how corporations work in opaque ways to shape debates and influence legislation. He also explains the revolving door between Congress and lobby groups, and how non-profit think tanks aren't always what they seem.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   38:01

GP comment:  There is some good raw data here, but Lipton pulls his punches. In particular, while he is rightly hard on Republican corruption, he's largely silent on Democrat corruption, which, in its way, is just as bad (if less insane). The Dems and GOP are two sides of the same con game, and we're the suckers. If you keep clinging to one side or the other, you are part of the problem.

Original Show Pub Date: 13.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen The Lifeboat Hour

Ruppert on Warrior Culture, Collapse, and The Garden — Mike Ruppert discusses the need to dismantle the warrior culture. The evidence from pre-historical societies shows that violent domination is not inherent in human behavior—it has been learned, and it can be unlearned. He also talks about Daniel Quinn's Ishmael, which reveals a culture that is killing the world around it. Of note, he relates the parable of an ever-consuming Adam, first outgrowing the garden, then the region, until he finally consumes the entire earth, and then.... Ruppert finishes up with a review of what's GOOD about peak oil and collapse.
Download/listen   1:02:50

GP comment:  The way things are going is horribly wrong, and collapse is probably the only solution. But I suspect the process will not be at all pleasant.

Original Show Pub Date: 16.Feb.2014


Rating: 5 of 5 - Must-listening! ExtraEnvironmentalist

Frank Rotering on the Contractionary Revolutioncrowd of people Frank Rotering says the logic of capitalism dictates that economic activity and consumption must continually grow. But on a finite planet, infinite growth is not possible. So, capitalism, as it is currently practiced, must go. Rotering lays out two choices: Undertake the difficulty of a revolution that will slowly contract human activities to a sustainable level, or go through the difficulty of adjusting to the effects of environmental apocalypse and endless resource wars.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   1:20:37

GP comment:  Rotering makes many excellent points. He also rightly says the revolution will have to start somewhere else. Americans are too timid, and the imperial forces here are too aggressive. Though a societal revolution is the only true solution possible at this point, its likelihood seems low for the same reasons that Heinberg's "powerdown" idea never took off.

Original Show Pub Date: 11.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Peak Prosperity

FerFal:  Here's What It Looks Like When Your Country's Economy Collapses — Want to know what it's like living through a currency collapse? Argentina is providing us with a real-time window: The country has defaulted on its sovereign debt three times in the past 32 years and looks poised to do so again soon. Fernando "FerFal" Aguirre began blogging during the hyperinflationary destruction of Argentina's economy in 2001 and has since dedicated himself to educating the public on issues related to resilience. He sees many parallels between the path that led to Argentina's decline and the similar paths most countries in the West, including the US, are currently on.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   36:41

GP comment:  To a large extent, problems in the non-US economies today are due to the Fed-based players creating chaos in other financial markets to keep demand high for the US dollar, which they are simultaneously debasing. If the US does ever default on its debt, it would be a much bigger deal than an Argentine default because the dollar is the global reserve currency. Its demise would mean an end to the free boost in standard of living the average American has enjoyed for 2/3 of a century.

Original Show Pub Date: 08.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen CounterSpin

"Skills Gap" a Corp-Gov-Pundit Myth — You may have heard that the reason the US has so many unemployed people isn't because there are no jobs, but because people don't have the right skills for the jobs that are open—in part because of our "failing schools." If that doesn't sound right to you, that's because it's wrong. So why do the politicians, press releases, and pundits all say it? Labor historian and educator Toni Gilpin discusses the popular myth of the "skills gap."
Go to page  |  Download/listen   9:45

GP comment:  TPTB seek to minimize labor costs, which means reallocating US jobs to cheaper overseas labor pools. The "skills gap" meme is just part of the smokescreen designed to cover their trail.

Original Show Pub Date: 14.Feb.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good On The Media

TSA ... Naked ... Laughingperson's image on airport scanner Jason Harrington worked as a Transportation Security Administration officer at O'Hare airport in Chicago for seven years. Harrington quickly became disgruntled, not just with the day-to-day absurdity of carrying out what he saw as ineffective security tactics, but with how much the TSA lied to the public. So, he started writing a blog, anonymously, called Taking Sense Away. Harrington talks about his time in the TSA and his article “Dear America. I Saw You Naked. And, Yes, We Were Laughing."
Go to page  |  Download/listen   6:37

GP comment:  First they abused the civil liberties of the air-travel passengers, but I was not an air traveler, so I did nothing. Then they abused the civil liberties of....

Original Show Pub Date: 14.Feb.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good TUC Radio

Sustainability is Unthinkable Without Rethinking the Money System — Our monetary system entrenches unearned privilege, subsidizes and promotes intolerable and unnecessary disparities of well-being, creates boom-and-bust cycles, and rewards unsustainable, destructive growth. Here we get a quick review of the ills of central banking, but most of the time is spent touring to an array of "money alternatives" like time banking and complementary currencies that, when managed properly, can create a more equitable monetary ecosystem and a more sustainable society.
Go to page A  |  Download/listen A   30:00
Go to page B  |  Download/listen B   30:00

GP comment:  Who better to critique the current insane money system (and the rest of the insanity that goes with it) than a former central banker! Listen up!

Original Show Pub Date: 28.Jan.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Vice

Apocalypse, Man—World's End According to Michael C. Ruppert Michael Ruppert in corral, backlit by sun Michael Ruppert says we have a choice to make: approach living with a new state of consciousness, or descend into a dog-eat-dog scenario of endless war and grasping for depleting resources. This clip is from a new, half-completed film called Apocalypse, Man, which updates the stark assessment of the world Ruppert offered in 2009's Collapse. Topics include dirty energy technologies as exemplars of pre-collapse insanity; the militarization of local police departments as an early step on the path to centralized totalitarian control; why the public rejection of the US intention in Syria is a hopeful sign; and how Native American philosophy can inform "what we do next."
Watch  |  Download/listen   32:43

GP comment:  There are bits of navel gazing here and there that will appeal only to Ruppert fans, but the meat of his analysis is must-listening for everyone.

Original Show Pub Date: 21.Jan.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Corbett Report

Dead Banksters and Sochi Terrornoia — James Corbett and James Evan Pilato discuss three stories of empire: (1) why a Harvard economist is pulling his money from Bank Of America, as well as a rash of apparent suicides among people in the financial world; (2) how TPTB are ratcheting up the terror talk for the Sochi Olympics with silly fearmongering assertions, such as toothpaste tubes may be used to carry explosives; (3) that a number of academics have launched a torrent site to facilitate sharing of papers and datasets without relying on centralized systems or their gatekeepers.
Watch  |  Download/listen   15:00

GP comment:  The effort of The Powers That Be to constantly keep the fear factor high among the general public can get rather laughable at times, but the banker "suicides" remind us that they do sometimes play hardball.

Original Show Pub Date: 11.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Post Carbon Institute / PBS News Hour

Why a Conservative Economist Moved to the Country — Chris Martenson explains why he left a lucrative career (and all the perks that go with it) to move his family to the country and a simpler, more sustainable way of living. Regarding the money-system shenanigans of the Fed, he reminds us of the old maxim, anything that can't go on forever, won't. Add to that his concerns over energy and resource constraints, you have a recipe for waking up to the realization that major change is coming.
Watch  |  Download/listen   8:30

GP comment:  Martenson is clear and cogent, as always. Too bad we have to endure the snarky Paul Solman as the interviewer.

Original Show Pub Date: 16.Jan.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Democracy Now

Death By Metadata—NSA Basing Assassinations on Probablistic Data Modeling — Investigative journalists Jeremy Scahill and Glenn Greenwald have revealed that the National Security Agency is using complex analyses of electronic surveillance, rather than human intelligence, as the primary method to locate targets for lethal drone strikes. The NSA identifies targets based on metadata analysis and cellphone tracking technologies, without an absolute confirmation that the information will kill the intended target, rather than some unknown non-target individual(s).
Watch  |  Download/listen   28:58

GP comment:  Extrajudicial killing, pure and simple. That's who we are now. Welcome to the empire.

Original Show Pub Date: 10.Feb.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Corbett Report

Separation of Business and State — Ryan Dawson discusses the themes of his new ebook, The Separation of Business and State. Topics include the false left/right dichotomy; the ideological blinders that stop people from uniting against the bankster-run corporatist-fascist state; and examples of this problem; and how we can counteract the divide-and-conquer tactic.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   28:43

GP comment:  The goal of getting back to a "true free market" (as Dawson advises) has its own problems, but most of Dawson's ideas make perfect sense.

Original Show Pub Date: 07.Jan.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good The Real World of Money

Andrew Gause on Monetary Crisis, MSM Control, Fed Taper, more — Monetary issues are discussed, including ... The hows and whys of the ongoing emerging-market monetary crisis; what new Fed chair Janet Yellen will do to get the banks to lend; how TPTB control the talk out there in the media by relating career advancement to staying away from verboten topics; the IMF calling for a world wide reset; why the facts clearly show there is no taper going on at the Fed; the background and story behind the new MIRA accounts being pushed now by Obama.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   1:02:00

GP comment:  Though I have a few nits with Gause's positions, his conception of how the world really works seems pretty accurate.

Original Show Pub Date: 05.Feb.2013


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen NPR

After Prison Stint, Pussy Riot Keeps Up Anti-Government Stand — In 2012, three members of the Russian performance-protest collective called Pussy Riot were imprisoned for staging a raucous anti-Putin protest in a Russian Orthodox cathedral in Moscow. They have since been released, and now are using their voices to alert people to the inhumane conditions in Russian prisons.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   3:55

GP comment:  BTW, the US has inhumane prison conditions too (which is not to excuse either country on the matter). The Pussy Riot affair has always seemed a bit curious. Putin is very savvy, but his handling of this seemed clumsy at best. Makes one wonder.

Original Show Pub Date: 06.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Global Research News Hour

Expatriated US Military Members in Canada, Then and Now — In the Vietnam War era, many US citizens who objected to participating in the conflict sought refuge in Canada, where both the Canadian government and people were largely receptive to their presence. In the era of the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and other areas involved in the so-called US War on Terror, some US service members have decided that the US is acting amorally and that they cannot participate any longer. Some of those who have deserted the military have ended up in Canada, but they are finding the reception is not nearly as warm as it was half a century ago.
Download/listen   58:00

GP comment:  We at the peon level must realize the Global War on Terror is not "us vs. terrorists," it's "us vs. warmongering elites."

Original Show Pub Date: 13.Jan.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen C-Realm Podcast

Dead Labor and Vacuous Accountabilityschool bus wreck KMO and David J. Blacker discuss a wide variety of topics related to economics, education, and energy. Topics include Marx’s idea of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall; the relevance (or not) of peak oil in the Marxian view; productivity gains vs. worker gains; how capitalism drives the content of education; why the push for "accountability" in education doesn't effectively improve education.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   59:00

GP comment:  Starts off a little wonky but gets more accessible about a third of the way in.

Original Show Pub Date: 29.Jan.2014


Rating: 5 of 5 - Must-listening! Unwelcome Guests

The New Pearl Harbor, pt. 3—The Exploding Towers — This is the third and final part of Massimo Mazzucco's film The New Pearl Harbor, looking this time at the remarkable circumstances surrounding the instantaneous, freefall-speed collapse of 3 steel framed skyscrapers—the World Trade Center's Twin Towers and Building 7. No other steel buildings in history have similarly collapse from fire damage. Combine that fact with eyewitness reports of molten steel (indicating temperatures far hotter than jet fuel could create), the outward forceful ejection of debris tens of floors below the current collapse point (implying explosives), the many 45-degree shears on beams (indicative of demolition), and the many other odd (to say the least) pieces of evidence from 9/11, and you have to ask some hard questions about the official story.
Go to page A  |  Download/listen A   1:00:00
Go to page B  |  Download/listen B   1:00:00

GP comment:  I have heard similar analyses of the evidence that the Twin Towers and Building 7 were brought down by explosives, not by post-crash fires, but the attention to detail here is simply excellent. I particurly like that they debunk the debunkers.

Original Show Pub Date: 25.Jan.2014



Rating: 5 of 5 - Must-listening! Democracy Now

Silencing the Scientist—Tyrone Hayes on Being Targeted by Herbicide Firm SyngentaTyrone Hayes Scientist Tyrone Hayes discovered that a widely used herbicide called Atrazine may have harmful effects on the endocrine system. But when he tried to publish the results, the chemical's manufacturer launched a campaign to discredit his work and threaten him with physical harm. Newly available court documents from a class action lawsuit against Syngenta show how it sought to smear Hayes' reputation and prevent the US EPA from banning the profitable chemical, which has already been banned by the European Union.
Watch  |  Download/listen   17:41

GP comment:  There are several must-hear moments in this clip. I particularly love that Hayes found out Syngenta had access to his email and then crafted emails that mislead them and kept them off his trail. Bravo!

Original Show Pub Date: 21.Feb.2014



Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good On The Media

Drone Laws and Privacysmall surveillance drone An increasing number of US states and municipalities have passed or are considering laws that would rein in drone surveillance activities in their areas of jurisdiction. Margot Kaminski, executive director of the Information Society Project and a lecturer at Yale Law School, reports on the trend—and the large number of corporate creeps that are being exempted.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   6:09

GP comment:  The exceptions are so numerous that, in the end, the only entity it will be OK to spy on with drones will be the average citizen.

Original Show Pub Date: 21.Mar.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good On The Media

comcast and antennas As Giant ISPs Tighten Grip on Content and Customers, Municipalities Push Alternative Networks — The proposed merger of Comcast and Time Warner Cable could do more than mess with our TV and Internet bills. It could shape how many of us experience the flow of ideas. Communications law scholar Susan P. Crawford discusses the potential impact of this mega-merger on the information we access via high-speed internet. ~~ All across the country, communities are fighting to build their own broadband internet networks as an alternative to the services offered by big cable companies. However, these efforts have often been thwarted by legislation lobbied for by, you guessed it, the cable companies. Advocate James Baller comments.
Go to page A  |  Download/listen A   6:18
Go to page B  |  Download/listen B   6:41

GP comment:  Pay attention people. It's slipping away....

Original Show Pub Date: 21.Feb.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Fresh Air

When It Comes To High-Speed Internet, US Falling Way Behindglobe as internet connections Law professor Susan Crawford reviews a list of problems with high-speed internet access in the US, starting with the recent court decision that says Internet service providers can make deals to provide faster service for some content and slow down sites that refuse to pay extra fees. More generally, the US ISP marketplace has been allowed to devolve into a monopolistic mess where companies charge high prices for speeds that are slow by international standards. Crawford says that unless the US starts addressing this issue, it will be a Third World country when it comes to communications and innovation.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   38:39

GP comment:  The pay-for-speed issue is a big deal—it is a new way of shaping what information the public sees and doesn't see.

Original Show Pub Date: 06.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen On The Media

Winter Chill for Russian Media — As the global spotlight fixes on Sochi this weekend, the Russian government is crushing dissent. As the Committee to Protect Journalists notes in a new report, people there have suffered long-lasting power outages, environmental damage, evictions, corruption, and widespread violation of labor laws. But local news organizations are silent on these issues, instead functioning as public relations agencies for the government. Nina Ognianova offers up some of the stories that aren't being told in the Russian media.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   7:53

GP comment:  The maxim that used to rule was "good news is no news." How times have changed. Now all we get is good news, or rather the happy-face version of whatever is considered still safe to be reported on—that is, WHAT IS ALLOWED TO BE REPORTED ON. That is no doubt true in Russia, as this story says. Are we in the US objective enough to perceive the same problem in our own media?

Original Show Pub Date: 07.Feb.2014


Rating: 2 of 5 - OK; if you've got the time... On The Media

Jeopardy Tradition in Jeopardy! — The latest sensation on the TV game show Jeopardy is Arthur Chu, who has thus far amassed $102,800 dollars over a four-game winning streak. But his playing style is making traditionalists shudder. Chu has rejected the unwritten rule that the person with the most facts wins, and replaced it with the idea that you can beat your opponent with the wily application of gaming tactics. Chu explains the logic behind his winning strategy and addresses the media firestorm he's ignited.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   7:31

GP comment:  I'll take "Bread and Circuses" for $200, Alex.

Original Show Pub Date: 07.Feb.2014



Rating: 5 of 5 - Must-listening! Progressive Commentary Hour

Energy is What We Have to Spend; Money Just Represents Who Controls the Energy — Energy mavens Kurt Cobb and Nate Hagens update us on the energy predicament. Cobb observes that the average daily price of oil has stayed near the all-time high over the last three years, and he explains the math on why the US will never be energy independent. Hagens reviews the incredible numbers on how many "slave equivalents" are found in a barrel of oil, reminding us how dependent we are on energy and how relatively cheap it actually still is. He offers a number of maxims that are critical for everyone to understand: (1) Energy is what we have to spend; money is who controls the energy. (2) The economy is a subset of the environment, not vice versa. (3) Biology determines what we need; culture determines what we have and how we get it.
Download/listen   57:08

GP comment:  Hagens paints a bleak picture when he discusses the psycho-social challenge of trying to convince the general populace to be sustainable, but his logic is undeniably consistent with observable behaviors and attitudes.

Original Show Pub Date: 10.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Peak Prosperity

FerFal:  Here's What It Looks Like When Your Country's Economy Collapses — Want to know what it's like living through a currency collapse? Argentina is providing us with a real-time window: The country has defaulted on its sovereign debt three times in the past 32 years and looks poised to do so again soon. Fernando "FerFal" Aguirre began blogging during the hyperinflationary destruction of Argentina's economy in 2001 and has since dedicated himself to educating the public on issues related to resilience. He sees many parallels between the path that led to Argentina's decline and the similar paths most countries in the West, including the US, are currently on.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   36:41

GP comment:  To a large extent, problems in the non-US economies today are due to the Fed-based players creating chaos in other financial markets to keep demand high for the US dollar, which they are simultaneously debasing. If the US does ever default on its debt, it would be a much bigger deal than an Argentine default because the dollar is the global reserve currency. Its demise would mean an end to the free boost in standard of living the average American has enjoyed for 2/3 of a century.

Original Show Pub Date: 08.Feb.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Vice

Apocalypse, Man—World's End According to Michael C. Ruppert Michael Ruppert in corral, backlit by sun Michael Ruppert says we have a choice to make: approach living with a new state of consciousness, or descend into a dog-eat-dog scenario of endless war and grasping for depleting resources. This clip is from a new, half-completed film called Apocalypse, Man, which updates the stark assessment of the world Ruppert offered in 2009's Collapse. Topics include dirty energy technologies as exemplars of pre-collapse insanity; the militarization of local police departments as an early step on the path to centralized totalitarian control; why the public rejection of the US intention in Syria is a hopeful sign; and how Native American philosophy can inform "what we do next."
Watch  |  Download/listen   32:43

GP comment:  There are bits of navel gazing here and there that will appeal only to Ruppert fans, but the meat of his analysis is must-listening for everyone.

Original Show Pub Date: 21.Jan.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Sierra Club Radio

US Wind Energy Update — Rob Gramlich of the American Wind Energy Association updates us on the latest in wind power, including increases in generation capacity, data on reliability, and the production tax credit.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   14:15

GP comment:  He's quite right that wind opponents make too big a deal of the "wind doesn't blow all the time" problem. The US could be taking much, much more advantage of its wind resources without any of the infrastructure being cost-ineffective.

Original Show Pub Date: 08.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Post Carbon Institute / PBS News Hour

Why a Conservative Economist Moved to the Country — Chris Martenson explains why he left a lucrative career (and all the perks that go with it) to move his family to the country and a simpler, more sustainable way of living. Regarding the money-system shenanigans of the Fed, he reminds us of the old maxim, anything that can't go on forever, won't. Add to that his concerns over energy and resource constraints, you have a recipe for waking up to the realization that major change is coming.
Watch  |  Download/listen   8:30

GP comment:  Martenson is clear and cogent, as always. Too bad we have to endure the snarky Paul Solman as the interviewer.

Original Show Pub Date: 16.Jan.2014


Rating: 5 of 5 - Must-listening! Radio EcoShock

Crash on DemandDavid Homgren Do we need to break the insane, rapacious financial system to save the climate? Permaculture co-founder David Holmgren says "yes." Nicole Foss counters that the system is going to crash anyway, so why set yourself up as the fall-guy or get stuck in the quagmire of climate-denier politics? We should focus on the peak-oil/resilience message. If people get onboard with that, action on climate issue will happen as a natural side-effect.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   1:00:00

GP comment:  Foss is exactly right. The climate war has already been lost. Stop fighting it and move to a front were victory is possible—because it is in people's clear and immediate self-interest—and you will do better on the climate front anyway.

Original Show Pub Date: 05.Feb.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good NPR

Much Of North Dakota's Natural Gas Is Going Up In Flamesflaring tower Natural gas is often a useful byproduct oil wells. In North Dakota, though, the infrastructure to move the natgas to where it can be profitably used does not yet exist, so the gas is being flared (burned off). Why can't this gas be put to use, some way, somehow?
Go to page  |  Download/listen   4:34

GP comment:  Because in the mad rush to boost US oil and gas production, energy wisdom and environmental sanity are easily trumped by the dictates of the financial structures.

Original Show Pub Date: 30.Jan.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Living On Earth

Not Enough Rare Earths to Ramp Up Alternative Energy? — Renewable energy technologies like wind and solar are on the rise around the world, but they depend on a group of metals called rare earths, which are in short supply. Science writer Nicola Jones talks about the scarcity of rare earths and how it could inhibit green energy expansion.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   6:40

GP comment:  And just to add insult to impossibility, mining will get more and more expensive as the petroleum age wanes

Original Show Pub Date: 24.Jan.2014


Rating: 5 of 5 - Must-listening! Radio EcoShock

What Kind of Doomer Are You?Albert Bates in eco setting Albert Bates discusses his chart that attempts to categorize the various responses to potential collapse. On the ultra-doomy end are the collapsniks, who see it all falling down one way or the other, due to financial fiascos or peak energy or catastrophic climate collapse, with the only realistic response at this point being to get ready for the storm. Then there are the techno-fixers who think all can be made well by adopting green tech and avoiding brown tech. A more realistic offshoot of that group are those who see that radical lifestyle change would have to accompany any technological approach to sustainability. He also bins some well known names into their place in doomerdom.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   25:00

GP comment:  Bates does an excellent job of framing the arguments. He settles on deep-green activism as the likely "last best hope" for us humans. To be done right, of course, such a course will be necessarily revolutionary.

Original Show Pub Date: 29.Jan.2014



Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Democracy Now

Japan, US Move to Expand Nuclear Power Despite Contamination at Fukushima and New Mexico — Japan has announced a major push to revive its nuclear energy program, even as Fukushima hangs in the balance, three years after the initial disaster. nuclear power plant This comes just a week after it was revealed about 100 tons of highly radioactive water have leaked from one of the hundreds of storage tanks at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Here in the United States, the Obama administration announced last week it approved $6.5 billion in loan guarantees to back construction of the country’s first new nuclear power plant in more than 30 years. This comes as a nuclear waste disposal site is set to reopen in New Mexico following an unexplained leak of radioactive material. Edwin Lyman and Susan Stranahan, co-authors of the new book Fukushima: The Story of a Nuclear Disaster, comment.
Watch  |  Download/listen   9:03

GP comment:  We should expect sane decisions regarding an insane technology?

Original Show Pub Date: 26.Feb.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Press For Truth / Corbett Report

Fukushima and the US West Coast — The stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in northeastern Japan remains an ongoing concern as it continues to leak radiation into the Pacific Ocean. James Corbett and Dan Dicks delve into the issue. Topics include US West Coast radiation measurements; contamination of Pacific seafood; bad information from the mainstream press as well as some in the alternative media; and information suppression.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   28:57

GP comment:  It's critical that people understand the difference between radiation exposure and ingestion/inhalation of radioactive particles. The latter exposures—often referred to as internal emitters—are particularly deadly.

Original Show Pub Date: 10.Feb.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Green Power and Wellness

Fukushima or Your Local Nuke Plant—How Much Radiation?nuke plant The claim of the nuclear industry that the situation at Fukushima is under control is laughable to anyone who is paying attention to something other than the mainstream media. But what about the industry's claims that no one who lives near a US nuclear power plant is being harmed? The quick answer is: NOBODY KNOWS!! Nuclear watchdogs Susan Shapiro, Kevin Kamps, and Gretel Johnston discuss the secrecy surrounding radiation-release figures and offer evidence that the "no harm" claim is nonsense.
Download/listen   53:38

GP comment:  It's quite amazing to hear that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission supports the concept that the data on radiation releases from US nuclear plants is property of the owners of the plants and therefore does not have to be communicated to the public. What??? Do you still believe that there is any vestige of "for the people" left in government?

Original Show Pub Date: 04.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Exploration

The Secret History of US Nuclear Weapons Accidents — Michael Maggellet and James Oskins describe some of the hushed-up nuclear weapons accidents, some of which occurred in the US, including one event where a nuke was accidentally dropped on someone's backyard. Maggellet and Oskins' book is Broken Arrows.
Download/listen   58:56

GP comment:  There are the "almost had a nuclear war" type events, which are too terrifying to even contemplate. Then there are the lesser events like, "damn, the bomb fell out of the plane."

Original Show Pub Date: 31.Jan.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Project Censored

Helen Caldicott and Jim Riccio on Fukushima — Preeminent nuclear activist Helen Caldicott discusses the dangers of nuclear power and nuclear weapons in general, as well as the situation at Fukushima, where (despite government pronouncements) things are not at all under control. She thinks the world needs to send its best and brightest to Japan to figure out solutions that will actually work. Then Jim Riccio of Greenpeace provides additional detail on Fukushima. On the larger topic of nuclear power, says that if Germany can figure out how to phase it out, so can the rest of us.
Download/listen   47:59

GP comment:  With Fukushima still in the balance, it's amazing that the nuclear industry is undaunted in continuing to push plans for new nuke plants.

Original Show Pub Date: 31.Jan.2014



Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Natural News

Mercury Toxicity and You — Mercury toxicity expert Chris Shade explains how humans are exposed to mercury, what it does to us, and how we can avoid it. Topics include organic mercury vs. inorganic mercury vs. elemental mercury; why testing must combine urinalysis and hair analysis; synergistic toxicity between mercury, cadmium, and lead; how the dental lobby stands in the way of sensible mercury regulations; how to get rid of mercury if you have it.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   45:46

GP comment:  A bit wonky, but very informative.

Original Show Pub Date: 22.Feb.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good C-Realm Podcast

David Holmgren Peak Oil, Environment, Finance, and Psycho-Social Debt — David Holmgren has been tracking the onset of climate change and peak oil for many years, but he says that in recent years, largely due to the work of Steve Keen and Nicole Foss, he has come to see financial systems as the fastest moving and most volatile element in the emerging global crisis. Here, Holmgren offers a nuanced and apt review of the intersection between energy, finance, climate, and culture, adding to the basis for his assertion that we must collapse the financial system to preserve a livable biosphere. He also explains why he thinks that multiple generations of mass affluence has left us saddled with a "psycho-social debt" that will be very difficult for us to discharge.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   1:00:00

GP comment:  KMO makes a rare fundamental error, describing the actions of the Federal Reserve as if they were dictated by President Obama. That is not at all the case. The Federal Reserve is owned by its member banks—mostly Wall Street investment banks. Of course, both entities are tools of the same elites. But the distinction is important. That's a minor nit—overall, this is an excellent interview.

Original Show Pub Date: 12.Feb.2014


Rating: 5 of 5 - Must-listening! Democracy Now

Silencing the Scientist—Tyrone Hayes on Being Targeted by Herbicide Firm SyngentaTyrone Hayes Scientist Tyrone Hayes discovered that a widely used herbicide called Atrazine may have harmful effects on the endocrine system. But when he tried to publish the results, the chemical's manufacturer launched a campaign to discredit his work and threaten him with physical harm. Newly available court documents from a class action lawsuit against Syngenta show how it sought to smear Hayes' reputation and prevent the US EPA from banning the profitable chemical, which has already been banned by the European Union.
Watch  |  Download/listen   17:41

GP comment:  There are several must-hear moments in this clip. I particularly love that Hayes found out Syngenta had access to his email and then crafted emails that mislead them and kept them off his trail. Bravo!

Original Show Pub Date: 21.Feb.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Living On Earth

Flouride and Other Chemical Risks — New research finds exposure in early life to several common chemicals, including fluoride in drinking water, diminishes brain function in children. Study lead author Philippe Grandjean says fluoride, flame retardants, pesticides, and and fuel additives may be affecting children's intelligence.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   6:41

GP comment:  Generally good report, except for the host's initial comment about "the dental benefits of fluoride." Here's the truth about fluoride: It's a biocide, so it is effective as a topical anti-cavity agent in toothpaste because of the concentration level and the prolonged exposure mouth bacteria receive. Taken internally via drinking water, however, fluoride is nothing but a toxin.

Original Show Pub Date: 21.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Living On Earth

desert scene Using Bacteria to Heal the Desert — Erosion is a huge problem in the dry American West. But there's hope. Soil scientist Matthew Bowker explains how bacteria can be used to help bring a living crust back to the surface of the desert.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   6:25

GP comment:  All soil systems have a living layer. The desert is no exception.

Original Show Pub Date: 14.Feb.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Living On Earth

Coal Ash Impoundments Threaten Water Quality — Huge Coal ash waste ponds are commonplace at power plants in Appalachian coal country, but environmental watchdogs coal ash impoundment say state and federal oversight is lax. A recent spill on the Dan River in North Carolina dumped thousands of tons of toxic coal ash into the water. Amy Adams of Appalachian Voices discusses the threat of coal ash impoundments and offers some ideas for reform.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   7:21

GP comment:  Coal pollutes on many levels, not just when it's burned.

Original Show Pub Date: 14.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Resistance Radio

Environment and "Collapse Consciousness" — As it becomes more and more obvious that the corp-gov state has no intention of addressing increasingly urgent environmental issues, including ecosystem collapse, species extinction, ubiquitous pollution, and climate chaos, people of conscience are increasingly feeling the deep wounding that comes with awareness of how dire the predicament has become. Derrick Jensen and Carolyn Baker discuss five facets of "collapse consciousness"—fear, anger, grief, depression, and even joy—and offer ideas on how we can best navigate what's coming (and what's already here).
Download/listen   44:03

GP comment:  We're seeing converging collapse scenarios for environment, energy, and finance. This may be partly intentional on the part of The Powers That Be—it feels that way. But why? Post-apocalyptic feudal state? Is that really appealing to these psychopaths?

Original Show Pub Date: 09.Feb.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good NPR

Risky Tech Fixes For Climate Becoming Likelier, Critic Warns — As the window of opportunity to address climate change through severe reduction of human-emitted greenhouse gases closes—if it's not already closed—Clive Hamilton sees a grim, potentially dangerous world ahead, where nations become desperate to confronting worsening climate-driven problems and pull the last best hope off the shelf: risky geoengineering solutions. In fact, he says, the logic of why they WILL do that is inescapable.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   4:23

GP comment:  He's right—that's exactly where we are headed, and the notion of "profitable techno-fixes" is exactly why our corp-gov masters have decided to forget about solving the problem by reigning in the ever-profitable pollution side. As the saying goes, the wealthy make money on the way up AND the way down.

Original Show Pub Date: 12.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen NPR

US Chemical Safety Board Understaffed and Largely Ignored — The lead federal agency investigating the West Virginia chemical leak is one most Americans have probably never heard of: The US Chemical Safety Board. It's is an independent body, but critics say it is understaffed, underfunded, and takes too long to finish its investigations. An even larger problem is that its non-binding recommendations are often ignored anyway.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   4:13

GP comment:  Exactly right. We pretend to regulate chemicals in this country. But we don't even pretend to punish criminal negligence in the area.

Original Show Pub Date: 03.Feb.2014


Rating: 5 of 5 - Must-listening! Radio EcoShock

Crash on DemandDavid Homgren Do we need to break the insane, rapacious financial system to save the climate? Permaculture co-founder David Holmgren says "yes." Nicole Foss counters that the system is going to crash anyway, so why set yourself up as the fall-guy or get stuck in the quagmire of climate-denier politics? We should focus on the peak-oil/resilience message. If people get onboard with that, action on climate issue will happen as a natural side-effect.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   1:00:00

GP comment:  Foss is exactly right. The climate war has already been lost. Stop fighting it and move to a front were victory is possible—because it is in people's clear and immediate self-interest—and you will do better on the climate front anyway.

Original Show Pub Date: 05.Feb.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Radio EcoShock

Do We Have the Wisdom to Survive?planet earth inundated with pollution from smokestacks Anne Macksoud discusses her film, The Wisdom to Survive—-Climate Change, Capitalism & Community. She sees climate chaos as an existential threat, but recognizes that the relentless gears of capitalism must be replaced with a less destructive system if we are to get anywhere on solutions.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   25:00

GP comment:  I particularly like that fact that she dismisses "better technology" as the solution. Even if such a fix were possible, we need to address the question of how we are supposed to be living and learning on this planet. Failure to do so is what got us into this mess in the first place.

Original Show Pub Date: 29.Jan.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Democracy Now

Michigan Activists Face Up to Two Years in Prison for Protesting Oil Pipeline Behind 2010 Spill — Three environmentalists have been convicted for their role in nonviolently protesting the construction of tar sands pipelines in Michigan. Last summer, they tied themselves to excavators at an Enbridge construction site to stall work on a pipeline that ruptured in 2010, dumping about 800,000 gallons of crude oil into a tributary of the Kalamazoo River. In this clip, we hear a brief statement by the protesters, then Christopher Wahmhoff of the Michigan Coalition Against Tar Sands discusses the local activism that's been bringing awareness to the problematic pipeline.
Watch  |  Download/listen   6:14

GP comment:  Many people get so lost in the climate issue they forget that fossil fuel extraction technologies are highly polluting, regardless of their carbon footprint.

Original Show Pub Date: 03.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Fresh Air

Entrepreneurs Looking for Windfalls as Climate Changes — In Windfall—The Booming Business of Global Warming, journalist McKenzie Funk looks into how some entrepreneurs and even some nations stand to benefit from a changing climate. They include investors buying water rights and farmland around the world; firms offering wildfire protection services for affluent homeowners; investment houses running mutual funds designed to take advantage of financial opportunities forced by climate change; and the nation of Greenland, which will be able to exploit new mineral deposits as its ice melts.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   26:13

GP comment:  It is indeed true that some climates will become more supportive of typical human activities. Many others will become less so. The financial barons will figure out ways to exploit both situations.

Original Show Pub Date: 28.Jan.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Between the Lines

United Church of Christ Takes Leading Role in Fossil Fuel Divestment MovementJim Antal In the summer of 2012, environmentalist Bill McKibben challenged colleges, municipalities and religious organizations to divest their endowment or pension fund holdings from fossil fuel stocks. The first national organization to move forward with divestment was the United Church of Christ, which in June 2013 voted to divest its fossil fuel holdings. Rev. Jim Antal, who introduced the resolution, discusses his organization's decision and its practical implications for the bigger picture on climate change.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   7:46

GP comment:  Generally the right direction, but it doesn't go far enough. Moving from "bad Wall Street investments" to "good Wall Street investments" won't cut it. Pull your money totally. Put it into reducing home energy use by installing solar electric (or buying shares in a solar farm), and by adding solar hot water and passive solar structures, and by installing better doors, windows, insulation, and roofing. Investments in alternative financial instruments pale by comparison.

Original Show Pub Date: 29.Jan.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Fresh Air

How Industrial Chemical Regulation Failed West Virginia — On January 9, 2014, people in and around Charleston, WV, began showing up at hospitals with nausea and eye infections, and some were vomiting. It was later discovered that around 10,000 gallons of a toxic chemical had leaked into the Elk River, just upstream from a water treatment plant that serves 300,000 people. After initially staying silent, the company and the WV government finally told citizens not to drink or bathe in the water. Today, some people are back to using water from their taps, but many still don't trust it or the information coming from public officials. Charleston Gazette reporter Ken Ward recaps the event, the response, the politics, and the aftermath.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   36:03

GP comment:  No one wants "overregulation." In terms of the voluminous laws and regulations that are on the books, one could argue that we are at a minimum overburdened with paperwork. But if one examines the EFFECTIVENESS of current regulations, we are NOT overregulating—use of chemicals is ubuquitous and wanton. When you start putting CEOs in jail for events like the WV spill, you will start to see things change.

Original Show Pub Date: 29.Jan.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Radio EcoShock

Are We Headed for the Climate Cliff? — Does the global future look like Australia today, where the heat causes bats to fall dead out of the sky and tennis players to drop like flies? Cam Walker of Friends of the Earth Australia talks about what's going on in Australia, where the heat is affecting the economy, with some outdoor work being cancelled and some downtown streets looking like a ghost-town, as people stay home, hunkered down against the heat. Will such problems accelerate and push us over the climate cliff?
Go to page  |  Download/listen   1:00:00

GP comment:  Thankfully, the material in the clip is less sensational than the description sounds.

Original Show Pub Date: 22.Jan.2014



Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Natural News

Mercury Toxicity and You — Mercury toxicity expert Chris Shade explains how humans are exposed to mercury, what it does to us, and how we can avoid it. Topics include organic mercury vs. inorganic mercury vs. elemental mercury; why testing must combine urinalysis and hair analysis; synergistic toxicity between mercury, cadmium, and lead; how the dental lobby stands in the way of sensible mercury regulations; how to get rid of mercury if you have it.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   45:46

GP comment:  A bit wonky, but very informative.

Original Show Pub Date: 22.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Love Lust and Laughter

The Power of Positive (Penis) Thinking — Urologist Dudley Danoff discusses the themes in his book Penis Power: The Ultimate Guide to Male Sexual Health. Topics here include ... self-doubt as the biggest enemy of good erections; dealing with mismatches in the desire levels of partners; penis size; sex after 60; Viagra and other therapies; erectile dysfunction as a manifestation of some other underlying health condition; the importance of a good relationship and emotional intimacy to good sex.
Download/listen   55:52

GP comment:  Hmmm. Old TV show, Home Improvement, where Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor's catch phrase was "More Power!" And all this time I thought he was talking about circular saws and leaf blowers.

Original Show Pub Date: 18.Feb.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good What Women Must Know

The Great Cholesterol Con — Doctors in general and cardiologists in particular are very concerned about cholesterol levels and routinely recommend statin drugs for their patients. But Dr. Malcolm Kendrick says the evidence for cholesterol as a danger is entirely absent if one looks carefully at the body's biochemistry pathways. In fact, cholesterol is an essential compound for health. He discusses this medical disparity in detail and recommends a (non-statin) heart-healthy regimen.
Download/listen   53:55

GP comment:  More and more evidence points to diets low in sugars and low in processed food as the best way to go, not one low in healthy fats.

Original Show Pub Date: 13.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Diet Science

Coconut Oil and Oral Health — Dee McCaffrey explains how the practice of "oil pulling"—especially if the oil is coconut oil—can draw harmful bacteria out of your mouth and improve your breath and dental health.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   8:19

GP comment:  Coconut oil is also anti-fungal, which could be a positive for some people.

Original Show Pub Date: 10.Feb.2014



Rating: 2 of 5 - OK; if you've got the time... Diet Science

Chocolate, Tea, and Berries Found to Reduce Insulin Resistance — New research has found diets containing compounds found in chocolate, tea, and berries can help protect people against diabetes and other diseases.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   5:15

GP comment:  Surprise, surprise—a study has found phytonutrients to help improve the body's functions.

Original Show Pub Date: 17.Feb.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Food Sleuth Radio

Drug-Resistant Bacteria in 50% of Raw Chicken — Urvashi Rangan of Consumer Reports discusses a recent study that found resistant bacteria on 50% of raw chicken samples from supermarkets nationwide. Topics include corporate practices that lead to contamination and drug-resistant bacteria, including overuse of antibiotics in animals; how organic chicken fared against conventional chicken in the tests; and ways to improve food safety.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   28:15

GP comment:  Glad to see Consumer Reports is finally recognizing the consumer advantages of going green.

Original Show Pub Date: 30.Jan.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Nutrition Diva

Does Coconut Oil Raise Your Cholesterol? — Despite reports of coconut oil's "miraculous" powers, there is scant evidence that coconut oil will melt off the pounds, balance your hormones, boost your immune system, or raise your IQ. On the other hand, coconut oil is a very stable oil. It doesn't easily oxidize, spoil, or go rancid, and it has a high smoke point and does not produce harmful chemicals when heated. But that's because coconut oil is a highly saturated fat. Does that mean coconut oil will raise cholesterol levels and increase heart disease risk?
Go to page  |  Download/listen   7:06

GP comment:  Her conclusion is right: Coconut oil is a good choice as part of a suite of go-to oils.

Original Show Pub Date: 12.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Nutrition Diva

woman blending vegetables Does Juicing or Blending Destroy Beneficial Fiber? — Smoothies are all the rage, but how does liquefying fruits, vegetables, or even grains affect their nutritional benefits? Nutrition Diva gets to the qnswer at the bottom of the glass.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   7:58

GP comment:  The Diva handles the question expertly, but I guess I have to ask, what ever happened to just eating great salads using raw, fresh super-veggies?

Original Show Pub Date: 05.Feb.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Progressive Commentary Hour

"Organic Cannot Feed the World" is the Century's Biggest Lie — David Montgomery discusses a variety of farming related issues, including soil health, topsoil loss, monoculture vs. polyculture farming, and the role of failing agricultural models in the collapse of civilizations. Jeffrey Smith discusses the role of genetically modified crops in making our agricultural system—and us—ill. Though GMOs are still going strong, we may be on the verge of a tipping point, as natural foods companies join the Non-GMO Project labeling campaign.
Download/listen   58:08

GP comment:  You can rid your own diet of GMOs by following the steps at the Non-GMO Shopping Guide.

Original Show Pub Date: 03.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Nutrition Diva

Does Dairy Weaken Your Bones? — The milk industry would have us believe that dairy is essential for good bone health. Some in the alternative health community think milk is fit only for baby cows and, specifically, that it actually diminishes calcium deposition in bones. Which is it?
Go to page  |  Download/listen   7:20

GP comment:  My info says that magnsium deficiency, not calcium deficiency, is the biggest problem with bone loss.

Original Show Pub Date: 29.Jan.2014



Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Food Sleuth Radio

2,4-D-Resistant Crops Just the Latest Aspect of Disastrous Agriculture Policy — The Union of Concerned Scientists reports that herbicide-resistant weeds have reached epidemic proportions, infesting 61 million acres. Doug Gurian-Sherman of UCS discusses genetic engineering, the resulting rise of superweeds, and the risks of newly developed 2,4-D-resistant GMO crops. Gurian-Sherman explains how genetic engineering facilitates industrial agriculture, why corporations have no interest in sustainable farming practices, and why scientists have concerns about GM crops. He advocates agro-ecological practices for true sustainability.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   28:15

GP comment:  There's no money in doing the right thing. So why do we let money (capital) continue to rule the world?

Original Show Pub Date: 13.Feb.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Radio EcoShock

Paradise Loturban garden Chances are you are not living on an ideal homestead of 20 acres, ready to feed yourself and your family, come what may. What if you are on a normal city lot, maybe even in a northern climate? What can you do? Quite a bit. Jonathan Bates and Eric Toensmeier have turned a tenth-of-an-acre yard in Holyoke, Massachusetts into what they call "Paradise Lot." Bates describes their gardening approach, offers some thoughts on important hand tools, and gives tips on greenhouse design for northern climates.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   18:43

GP comment:  The greenhouse tips are good, and such features can help mitigate cold. But in my experience, some supplemental heating will still be required unless you're only going to grow cold-tolerant plants like greens and brassicas.

Original Show Pub Date: 12.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Living On Earth

2014 Farm Act Means More Topsoil Loss — After years of haggling, Congress has passed and President Obama has signed new farm legislation. The Farm Act shuffles the US approach to subsidizing farm operations, and in the process promotes practices that will increase future erosion. Craig Cox of the Environmental Working Group comments.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   6:24

GP comment:  "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

Original Show Pub Date: 14.Feb.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good One Radio Network

Roots Demystified Robert Kourik on and Drip Irrigation and Gardening Secrets — Sure, you can use drip irrigation to help plants limp along during droughts, but why not learn how you can help plants flourish in normal periods, too? Drip-irrigation expert Robert Kourik explains the benefits of the technique and covers other garden topics too, including the suprising reach of root systems; optimal spacing of vegetable plants; possible downsides to using horse manure in the garden; best types of earthworms.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   1:05:24

GP comment:  If you're going to try drip irrigation, be sure to read his book so you avoid the clogging problems associated with most off-the-shelf systems.

Original Show Pub Date: 27.Jan.2014


Rating: 5 of 5 - Must-listening! Food Sleuth Radio

Chemicals and the Myths of Modern Farmingcrops in field Klaas Martens was a conventional farmer who used pesticides. Then soil quality degraded, yields began to drop, income fell to poverty levels, and he began having neurological problems. After researching the potential of organic farming, he made the switch, and his fortunes have reversed—literally and figuratively. Martens discusses some of the myths of modern farming, the little-publicized toxicity of widely used farm chemicals, and the need to bring biodiversity back to farming.
Go to page A  |  Download/listen A   28:15
Go to page B  |  Download/listen B   28:15

GP comment:  Every time we buy non-organic food, part of our money is going to the chemical companies.

Original Show Pub Date: 23.Jan.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Progressive Commentary Hour

"Organic Cannot Feed the World" is the Century's Biggest Lie — David Montgomery discusses a variety of farming related issues, including soil health, topsoil loss, monoculture vs. polyculture farming, and the role of failing agricultural models in the collapse of civilizations. Jeffrey Smith discusses the role of genetically modified crops in making our agricultural system—and us—ill. Though GMOs are still going strong, we may be on the verge of a tipping point, as natural foods companies join the Non-GMO Project labeling campaign.
Download/listen   58:08

GP comment:  You can rid your own diet of GMOs by following the steps at the Non-GMO Shopping Guide.

Original Show Pub Date: 03.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Off The Grid News

The Battle Over Front-Yard Gardens — Imagine meticulously tending to your garden each year for 17 years, and then having a city official knock on your door and demand you uproot all your plants or face a $50-a-day fine. That is exactly what happened to a couple in Miami Shores, Florida, who tended an organic garden until the city council passed an ordinance banning front-yard vegetable gardens. Attorney Ari Bargel, who is representing the couple in a lawsuit against Miami Shores, discusses the case.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   32:08

GP comment:  The good news is that city ordinances can be influenced by the will of the people. Do you know how YOUR local officials feel about food plants in the front yard or chickens in the backyard?

Original Show Pub Date: 16.Jan.2014



Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Food Sleuth Radio

Animal Farming the Right Way — Joe Maxwell is a former Missouri state representative, state senator, and lieutenant governor, and currently is a hog farmer and the vice president of outreach and engagement for the Humane Society of the United States. He talks about the fight against corporate agriculture and the battle for sensible, humane farm-animal policies. Topics include natural resource protections, ag-gag laws, corporate influence, farm policy, and rural community health.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   28:15

GP comment:  The important point here is that animal husbandry can be done in a way that addresses animals' core needs AND is profitable. It's amoral that the majority of meat produced in the US has animals raised in poor conditions—and that the majority of us continue to buy such meat.

Original Show Pub Date: 06.Feb.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good The Daily Show

Humans—Rather Impressive in Their Species-Obliterating Ability — Jon Stewart interviews Elizabeth Kolbert, author of The Sixth Extinction, which describes the habits of Earth's most invasive species—humans. Stewart is impressed that we are as powerful as ice ages and killer asteroids—two of the more noteable wiper-outers in past epochs. Kolbert agrees, adding that we're doing it without even trying!
Watch  |  Download/listen   7:08

GP comment:  Stewart if quite funny in this one, despite the dire nature of the story.

Original Show Pub Date: 11.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Quirks & Quarks

Will The Killer Cold Take Care of the Emerald Ash Borer? — Gardeners know a very cold winter helps reduce the number of garden pests that can successfully overwinter. Is the cold having a similar effect on invasive insect species like the emerald ash borer? To some extent, but with a glycol-based antifreeze system, the borer can survive down to -30 C.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   5:06

GP comment:  Brr.

Original Show Pub Date: 08.Feb.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen NPR

The Earth's Sixth Extinction — One Of Our Own Making — There have been five major mass extinctions over the last half-billion years, when the diversity of life on Earth suddenly and dramatically contracted. Scientists are currently monitoring a new era of mass extinction, predicted to be the most devastating since the asteroid impact that wiped out the dinosaurs. But this time around, says Elizabeth Kolbert, author of The Sixth Extinction, it's humans that are causing it.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   8:50

GP comment:  Other than the NPR reporter's lame questioning, this is a critical topic that Kolbert brings light to. Think of it this way: 50% of all other species are the canaries, and we humans are in the coal mine. Karma's a bitch.

Original Show Pub Date: 11.Feb.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Quirks & Quarks

Polar bear among Arctic birds Polar Bears Attempting Diet Shift as Climate Reduces Seal Availability — Climate change is forcing polar bears in some areas to change their diet. The early break-up of Arctic sea ice has made it more difficult for the bears to hunt seals in northern Hudson Bay. But a new study has found that the polar bears have adopted a different strategy—feeding on eggs in inland colonies of nesting birds. Can this egg-centric diet sustain the bears? Can the birds' life cycles survive the sharp increase in bear predation?
Go to page  |  Download/listen   8:41

GP comment:  Skillful questioning by Bob MacDonald makes it clear that this is not a "climate adaptation success story."

Original Show Pub Date: 08.Feb.2014



Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Time Monk Radio Network

Dr. Kirby Surprise on Synchronicity in the Probabilistic Universe — Dr. Kirby Surprise talks about how synchronicity works in the context of meaningful coincidences. Synchronicity is often just a mirror of our own intentions and perceptions; it's not a cause-and-effect relationship. If we try to dive deeper into synchronicities, we can end up chasing our own tails. That said, it's a provable fact that we all have the ability to subtly influence the probability of outcomes—about a 5-6% influence—if we consistently apply our thought forms.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   2:27:06

GP comment:  I just re-listened to this. It's fascinating and worth re-hearing.

Original Show Pub Date: 25.May.2012


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen The Lifeboat Hour

When the White Eagle of the North Has Landed... — Mike Ruppert talks with Chris Long about native American shaman rituals designed to help us get in touch with our inner path and our external spirit guides. Topics include sweat lodges, shamanic practice, and the environmental price paid by tribes.
Download/listen   59:32

GP comment:  In his preamble, Ruppert observes that we have dawdled on the energy issue to the point where many Americans now face a ridiculous choice: used fracked gas, or freeze. He also finds it interesting that a number of high-level financial/banking officials have been found dead recently.

Original Show Pub Date: 02.Feb.2013


Rating: 2 of 5 - OK; if you've got the time... Time Monk Radio Network / The Plane Truth

Richard Sauder:  The Machine, the Eco-Apocalypse, and the Darkening Doom — Richard Sauder is well versed in all that is conspiratorial, hidden, and cataclysmic. He unleashes a good bit of it here in a depressive barrage of potentially fatal problems, including Fukushima and other environmental degradation; secret underground bases in preparation for celestial whoop-ass; and a "machine" that exists in an alternate astral plane but sucks energy from the beings in this one.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   1:28:29

GP comment:  I have no doubt that some of what Sauder thinks is true. I have not doubt that other things he thinks have no bearing on reality. Finally, I have no doubt that this is entertaining listening, no matter how much I discount the likelihood of its basis in fact.

Original Show Pub Date: 07.Jan.2014



Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Dan Carlin's Hardcore History

Blueprint for Armageddon, part 2WWI tank The Great Powers all come out swinging in the first round of the worst war the planet has ever seen (World War I). Millions of men in dozens of armies vie in the most deadly and complex opening moves of any conflict in world history. The rules of warfare are being rewritten in real time, and advancing weapon technology has a lot to do with that.
Download/listen   3:20:29

GP comment:  Carlin does his usual excellent job of imparting drama and excitement to an otherwise dry historical narrative. Nonetheless, I must admit that about halfway through this one my interest flagged a bit.

Original Show Pub Date: 30.Jan.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Dead Authors Podcast

Agatha ChristieH.G. Wells (Paul F. Tompkins) and Agatha Christie (Jessica Chaffin) H.G. Wells (Paul F. Tompkins) interviews Agatha Christie (Jessica Chaffin). Topics include hanging with the upper crust; Murder on the Orient Express; failed relationships and non-murderous ways of moving on; Christie's strange disappearance from 3-14 December, 1926; the smashingly elegant nature of smoking; how babies fail as conversationalists; Poirot the know-it-all, nursery rhymes as novel titles.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   56:08

GP comment:  Chaffin is marvelous, capturing Dame Agatha as our funny bones imagine she would have been.

Original Show Pub Date: 02.Apr.2013


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Fresh Air

Fascism and the Catholic Church During the WWII Era — It's commonly thought that the Catholic Church fought heroically against the fascists when Benito Mussolini's party ruled over Italy in the 1920s and '30s. But David Kertzer says the historical record—and a trove of recently released Vatican archives—tell a different story. Pope Pius XI cooperated closely with Mussolini for more than a decade, lending his regime organizational strength and moral legitimacy. It was a particularly curious alliance he notes, since Mussolini himself was a committed anti-cleric. But both sides benefited from the bargain.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   38:16

GP comment:  The quest for power makes strange bedfellows.

Original Show Pub Date: 27.Jan.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Progressive Commentary Hour

King, the Kennedys, and the Assassinations of Empire — William Pepper is a New York attorney best known for representing James Earl Ray, who was accused of assassinating Martin Luther King, Jr. Pepper, like most people, initially thought Ray was guilty. But through an exhaustive investigation process, he determined that Ray was involved only as a patsy, with the actual crime committed by a conspiracy that involved corporate interests, the Memphis mob and police department, and agents of the federal government. He connects the dots between the assassination of King and the assassinations of the Kennedys, among others.
Download/listen   1:54:39

GP comment:  When truth tellers become too effective in their ability to adopt others into their campaigns to end war, reduce corporate power, and reduce wealth disparity, the machine first tries to discredit and diminish them, or buy them off. But if those methods fail, assassination is employed. This is a difficult thing for most Americans to accept, but we must get over that timidity.

Original Show Pub Date: 20.Jan.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Against the Grain

Vietnam's Lessons Learned — Walter Hixson discusses the cultural Four Decades On: Vietnam, the United States, and the Legacies of the Second Indochina War recasting of the Vietnamese conflict over the years—the changes in how the military interacts with the press, the way the press presents military issues to the masses, and the way the masses have changed their attitude towards foreign entanglements. Other topics include the furor over the Vietnam Memorial, the Hollywoodization of the Vietnam War in film, and the myth of left-behind POWs. Hickson is a contributor to the book Four Decades On: Vietnam, the United States, and the Legacies of the Second Indochina War.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   52:30

GP comment:  The pressure the press brought to bear in the Vietnam War is nowhere to be seen in today's conflicts.

Original Show Pub Date: 22.Jan.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Dead Authors

Charles Dickens and O. Henry — H.G. Wells (Paul F. Tompkins) hosts Charles Dickens (Hal Lublin) and O. Henry (Marc Evan Jackson) in a funny discussion. Topics include "The Gift of the Maji," "A Christmas Carol," pen names, story inspirations, defenders of the poor, and plot twists.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   46:43

GP comment:  Quite funny. The actors playing Dickens and Henry are very clever.

Original Show Pub Date: 20.Dec.2011


Rating: 5 of 5 - Must-listening! Unwelcome Guests

The New Pearl Harbor, pt. 3—The Exploding Towers — This is the third and final part of Massimo Mazzucco's film The New Pearl Harbor, looking this time at the remarkable circumstances surrounding the instantaneous, freefall-speed collapse of 3 steel framed skyscrapers—the World Trade Center's Twin Towers and Building 7. No other steel buildings in history have similarly collapse from fire damage. Combine that fact with eyewitness reports of molten steel (indicating temperatures far hotter than jet fuel could create), the outward forceful ejection of debris tens of floors below the current collapse point (implying explosives), the many 45-degree shears on beams (indicative of demolition), and the many other odd (to say the least) pieces of evidence from 9/11, and you have to ask some hard questions about the official story.
Go to page A  |  Download/listen A   1:00:00
Go to page B  |  Download/listen B   1:00:00

GP comment:  I have heard similar analyses of the evidence that the Twin Towers and Building 7 were brought down by explosives, not by post-crash fires, but the attention to detail here is simply excellent. I particurly like that they debunk the debunkers.

Original Show Pub Date: 25.Jan.2014



Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen The Sunrise Ocean Bender

You Really Didn't Need My Help... You Knew It Already — Some decent, obscure prog rock. Top tracks are ... "The Moving Finger" by Dorothy Ashby // "Atomic Tape" by Chris Joss // "Pisces" by Surly Gates // "Halfway Down The Stairs" by Trashed Romeos // "Don't You Dare" by The Kumari // "Across the Golden Border" by The Resonars // "The Hump" by The Fast Camels // "Everything Is Sunshine" by Langor.
Page for full track listing  |  Download/listen   1:59:36

GP comment:  Of course I knew it already. What?

Original Show Pub Date: 25.Mar.2013


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen The Sunrise Ocean Bender

There Must Be Some Kind Of Way Out Of Here — If you don't get too worn out by the opening salvo from Acid Mothers Temple, you'll find some good, fairly accessible (if mostly obscure) prog rock here. Top tracks are ... "Phantasmagoria" by Curved Air // "Lights In My Mind" by Cressida // "Egyptian Tomb" by Mighty Baby // "Watch" by Bow Street Runners // "No Home Today" by Kult // "Sky Pilot" by The Animals // "No Illusion" by The Black Hollies // "Welcome to the Void" by Morgen.
Page for full track listing  |  Download/listen   1:57:22

GP comment:  And there is a deep-space sonic storm at the end too, but don't let the droning end caps put you off the yummy middle.

Original Show Pub Date: 09.Dec.2013


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Fresh Air

Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Beatles' ArrivalThe four Beatles in a snowy airport Fifty years ago, in February 1964, the Beatles touched down at JFK airport and entered American earspace. Two days later they broke TV viewing records and changed music history and general culture when they appeared live on The Ed Sullivan Show. Fresh Air celebrates by rebroadcasting two archival interviews: a 1995 interview with Ringo Starr and a 2001 interview with Paul McCartney.
Go to page  |  Download/listen   39:32

GP comment:  There is material here that I had not heard before, and I've watched and listened to a large number of Beatles specials.

Original Show Pub Date: 07.Jan.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen Pop Goes the World

Pop You — This is a decent set of energetic indie pop. Top tracks are... "Starry Eyes" by The Records // "Change Her Mind" by Peachfuzz // "Gabrielle" by Ween // "You Better Get Ready" by The Rosebuds // "I Love You Tonight" by Bare Wires // "Everyday Things" by The Plimsouls // "U.S.A." by The Beat // "I'm The Man" by Joe Jackson // "This Is Not My Flag" by Dentists // "Someone's Going To Break Your Heart" by Fountains Of Wayne.
Page for full track listing  |  Download/listen   2:00:00

GP comment:  A bit droning-on at times, but the energy is definitely there.

Original Show Pub Date: 08.Jan.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good The Vinyl Experience

Flanging—Do Not Attempt to Adjust Your Receiver — There's a technique in studio production called flanging, which gives musical passages a spacey effect. Trust me, you'll know it when you hear it. Paul Cavalconte presents a collection of tracks that all use flanging. Fav's here are ... Miss Toni Fisher - "The Big Hurt" // The Beatles - "Blue Jay Way" // Jimi Hendrix - "Burning Of the Midnight Lamp" // Status Quo - "Pictures of Matchstick Men" // Small Faces - "Itchycoo Park" // The Animals - "Sky Pilot" // Bloomfield/Kooper/Stills (Super Session) - "You Don’t Love Me" // Byrds - "Wasn’t Born To Follow" // Electric Light Orchestra - "Turn To Stone" // Tears For Fears - "Head Over Heels".
Download/listen   1:00:00

GP comment:  Great sound, great picks. Thanks, Paul!

Original Show Pub Date: 11.Oct.2013


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen A Bowl of Soul

funky donkey You've Got to Pay the Price, Funky Donkey — A nice set of instrumentals from the world of jazz-pop, funk, and soul. Top tracks are ... "You've Got to Pay the Price" by Al Kent Orchestra // "Please, Sunrise Please" by Young Holt Unlimited" // "Sexy Coffee Pot" by Tony Avlon and The Belairs // "Instrumental #1" by Richard Terry & Co // "K-Jee" by MFSB // "The Funky Donkey" by The Illusions.
Download/listen   58:34

GP comment:  Once you get past the screechy sax in the first couple of tracks, the groove gets on down wid its bad self.

Original Show Pub Date: 17.Jan.2014


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climate feedback loop video link; thumb of global warming slide
The two stereotypical sides of the climate debate are (a) climate change is a potential planet-killer and MUST be addressed; and (b) climate change is nothing to worry about, it's all part of a natural cycle. Guy McPherson reviews the scientific evidence that there is a third scenario: Climate change has already entered a runaway-feedback mode and there is now nothing humans can do to reverse the catastrophic level of warming that's coming—and coming soon. The good news? McPherson delivers his dark news clearly, with a great sense of humor, and with excellent insights into the human condition.  Watch climate feedback loop video(1:51:49)

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In this funny video from Food and Water Watch, two patrons are super-excited about the waitress' explanations regarding the menu's factory-farmed chicken and how it was raised.  Watch funny industrial chicken farming video(1:47)


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This funny video from Saturday Night Live pokes fun at the incessant news blather created by the concept of 24-hour coverage and the overemphasis on breaking news.  Watch funny cable news video(2:13)








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