Living On Earth
Gulf Oil Disaster Adds New Facet to Gulf of Mexico's Woes — 29 Jun 2012 — Even before five million barrels of oil entered the Gulf of Mexico from BP's Deepwater Horizon project, the marshes off Louisiana's coast were struggling under the weight of changed water flow patterns, thanks to levees, canals, dams, and rising sea levels. Marine biologist Brian Silliman explains why the Louisiana wetlands now have to work even harder to deal with the oil spill.
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Living On Earth
Revisiting the Gulf Deepwater Disaster — 20 Apr 2012 — The well is capped but the Gulf oil disaster is not over. Oil remains in the water and is taking a toll on the ecosystem. Biologist Doug Inkley summarizes the biological impact and explains how oily plankton is making dolphins and other marine life sick. Then the two co-chairs of the National Oil Spill Commission, Bob Graham and William K. Reilly, explain why industry and government get low marks on the goal of making deepwater oil drilling safer.
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Two Years Later, BP Spill Reminders Litter Gulf Coast — 20 Apr 2012 — Though the oil slicks have gone and the beaches no longer feel like WD-40, beneath the surface thee lies trouble in the ecosystems of the Gulf of Mexico. As in the Exxon Valdez spill, there is no short-term fix to the pollution brought by the Deepwater Horizon disaster.
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One Radio Network
NOTE: You need free One Radio Network account to listen/download their MP3s.
The BP Oil Disaster Continues—What Is Really Going on in the Gulf? — 31 Mar 2011— A class action suit, for one thing.
TED Women
Naomi Klein: Addicted to Risk — Jan 2011 — Klein draws a careful thread through Rachel Carson's message about pesticides, the Gulf disaster, the ludicrous bank bailouts, our collective desire to dominate nature, our delusional denial of tough issues like peak oil, and the general tendency to take on excessive risk.
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Gary Null Show
Health News and Update on Deepwater Horizon — 26 Jan 2011 — Gary's health news covers natural solutions to PMS; the impact of particulate pollution on health; and the importance of eating TWELVE servings of fruits and vegetables a day. ~~ Oil industry insider Bob Cavnar summarizes the lessons learned form the Deepwater Horizon disaster—only to inform us that those lessons learned are being ignored by those in charge.
Government Panel Report on BP Disaster—"The Biggest Coverup in the History of America"? — 14 Jan 2011 — The official final report on the Deepwater Horizon disaster largely ignores continuing health risks for workers and residents in the Gulf area. Every person tested for liposoluble chemicals related to the cleanup operation has tested positive. The report also questions the very fast declaration that Gulf seafood is once again safe to eat.
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NPR / All Things Considered
BP Report An Exercise In Finger-Pointing — 08 Sep 2010 — Local officials and congressional investigators say BP is shirking responsibility by passing most of the blame in its internal report of the oil rig explosion that set off the disastrous Gulf oil leak.
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Living On Earth
Dude, Where's the Oil? — 03 Sep 2010 — There has been a lot of debate on how much oil is still in the Gulf of Mexico. Reported estimates range from 75 percent is gone to 75 percent is still there. How did such wildly different estimates get reported in the media?
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BP's Deep Dark Secrets — 01 Sep 2010 — The most recent edition of Mother Jones magazine details the many ways BP's oil will wreak havoc on the marine ecosystem for decades, and how the company has managed to limit its liability.
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Rick Steiner Vets the Oil Spill Happy-Talk — 13 Aug 2010 — Steiner discusses what the mainstream press have gotten right and wrong in talking about "the end of the leak."
Most Gulf Oil Is "Out Of Site"—But Not Out Of Mind — 06 Aug 2010 — The government and BP claim that "static kill" is working and that 3/4 of the spilled oil has "disappeared." Uncle Gov says things weren't so bad after all. Independent scientists aren't so sure.
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By Hiring Gulf Scientists, BP May Be Buying Silence — 31 Jul 2010 — For months now, local scientists have been out on Gulf waters, advising the cleanup operation and measuring the damage. But there is growing concern that some of the best minds are being sidelined when they sign on as paid consultants to BP, which, by contract stipulation, gives BP the right to muzzle scientific findings.
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Living On Earth
Gulf Oil and Gulf Restoration — 30 Jul 2010 — The road to recovery for the Gulf of Mexico starts with the wetlands. Conservationists and state officials say a long-term, large-scale plan to restore Louisiana's marshes is the way to heal the damage. But are all concerned ready to face the hard choices ahead?
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Carl Safina: What's It Oil About — Jul 2010 — Safina reports some astonishing observations from his flyover and on-site inspections of the Gulf region. He believes BP's massive use of dispersants has been done to hide the size of the spill; but their use has made the overall situation inestimably worse. He says the biological effects of the disaster will be "hemispheric."
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Related resources:
Reference page for this interview at TED site
Earthbeat Radio
Gulf Coast Update + Whistleblowers Blast Carbon Offsets — 27 Jul 2010 — Three months into the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster, people are seeing the face of unchecked corporate power and are beginning to ask what sort of lasting reforms can make a difference to make sure a disaster like this never happens again. ~~ Also in the show, Congress throws in the towel on cap and trade provisions in the climate and energy bill, while two EPA enforcement attorneys claim that the proposed federal carbon offsets contain "unfixable flaws and waste, fraud and abuse as dangerous as those that nearly brought down the financial system."
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NPR / Morning Edition
Pricing Non-Human Cost Of BP Spill — 30 Jul 2010 — BP has spent more than $4 billion cleaning up the oil spill. But what about the non-human cost. How much should BP pay for dead and injured animals?
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Living On Earth
NOAA Signed Off on Gulf Drilling Plans — 23 Jul 2010 — In 2007, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, charged with protecting marine life, approved the federal offshore drilling plans for the Gulf of Mexico that would lead to BP's disastrous oil spill. Some say NOAA cut corners.
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Oil in the Air — 23 Jul 2010 — The oil in the Gulf isn't just poisoning the water. It's also poisoning the air. The EPA has been monitoring air quality along the Gulf coast widely since the spill began, but a local advocacy group, the Louisiana Bucket Brigade, says its data has gaps.
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Coast To Coast
Oil-Eating Microbes and the Gulf 28 Jul 2010 — David Blume discusses the possibility of oil-eating microbes cleaning up the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.
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Free Speech Radio News
Tribe Fights for Survival As BP Oil Spill Ravages Gulf Coast — 27 Jul 2010 — Like the rest of the Gulf Coast population, the United Houma Nation faces what could be an end to its sea-based way of life.
Audio no longer available from host site 4:35
Coast To Coast
19 Jul 2010 — Mitch Battros: Gulf Update — Battros explains why he thinks that BP cap will not work, and more broadly, why there is no approach that will totally seal the leak. He also discusses the rumors of FEMA preparing for evacuations in the Gulf Coast area.
(1) MP3s mirror KSFO's full hours; meat typically runs from 10:00-29:00 and 38:00-58:00.
(2) C2C pages: this show | latest shows
Gulf Coast Clean Up Operations---A Second Disaster? — 21 Jul 2010 — Mike Parr of the American Bird Conservancy discusses a report that reveals the pitfalls of cleanup operations in the Gulf, especially when it comes to coastal bird habitat.
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Audio longer available from host site 17:31
Living On Earth
The Need for Seaweed — 16 Jul 2010 — Sargassum seaweed is a critically important habitat for hundreds of marine species. The plant originates in the Gulf of Mexico and is carried by ocean currents to the Sargasso Sea off the East Coast. Scientists are concerned that oil in the Gulf is killing the sargassum and marine life with it.
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NPR / Morning Edition
New Cap Stops Gulf Oil Leak, BUT... — 16 Jul 2010 — Tests are being conducted on a new cap that has been placed over the broken oil well in the Gulf of Mexico. Engineers want to make sure it can contain the geyser of crude. So far, no oil is spewing from the well. But a BP official is warning that the flow of oil could resume.
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C-Realm Podcast
Technogenic Catastrophe — 14 Jul 2010 — KMO and Dmitry Orlov discuss whether the Gulf oil spill may turn out to be the "American Chernobyl." ~~ Also in the show, Orlov explains why working for reform of the current political establishment is not a credible or worthwhile activity, and why collapse is the optimistic scenario.
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Coast To Coast
David Sereda: The Oil Spill and Toxic Rains — 12 Jul 2010 — Sereda evaluates the potential for problems with toxic air pollution and rainfall in the Gulf Coast region.
(1) MP3 mirrors KSFO's full hour; meat runs ~ 18:00-29:00 and 38:00-58:00.
(2) C2C pages: this show | latest shows
NPR / All Things Considered
Skimming The Surface For New Tar In Louisiana — 14 Jul 2010 — Tar balls showed up in Lake Pontchartrain recently—a shock to local officials who were initially told they wouldn't be as vulnerable to the leaking oil as coastal areas closer to the Gulf. But almost three months after the oil started leaking, St. Tammany Parish finds itself on the front lines of cleanup efforts.
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Explorations / KPFA
Michio Kaku: The Science of the Leak — 06 Jul 2010 — Michio Kaku gives a science review of the Gulf oil leak, discussing some of the physics involved. ~~ In the second part of the show, Peter Ward discusses the process of sea level rise, and the impact it will have on coastal cities, transportation systems, food production, and freshwater supplies.
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Referenced book: (on
The Flooded Earth: Our Future In a World Without Ice Caps
PBS NewsHour
Heavy Surf, High Winds Affect Cleanup as Weather Continues to Strike Gulf — 06 Jul 2010 — Many ships, including a new "super skimmer ship," were prevented from cleaning shorelines and oil slicks as rough conditions persisted this weekend in the Gulf of Mexico. Greg McCormack, director of the Petroleum Extension Service at the University of Texas, discusses the continuing efforts on the Gulf cleanup.
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NPR - All Things Considered
Bleak Holiday For Gulf Beach Towns — 05 Jul 2010 — What should have been a big weekend for businesses along the Gulf coast brought more bad news. The oil spill continues to cause profound economic damage to a number of industries, including those that depend on tourism.
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Fresh Air
How Endangered Species Are Faring In The Gulf — 30 Jun 2010 — Any species suffering from the Gulf oil disaster is a tragedy. If the species was already at low population numbers, which is the case with sea turtles, the effects are catastrophic.
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Living On Earth
Methane and the Health of the Gulf — 25 Jun 2010 — Along with oil, huge amounts of methane gas are flowing into the Gulf of Mexico from the destroyed BP well. What are the impacts on the Gulf?
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Coast To Coast
The Gulf Disaster and Broader Environmental Issues — 25 Jun 2010 — Larry Schweiger, head of the National Wildlife Federation, reports his on-the-scene findings from the Gulf region and talks about broader environmental trends, including a review of the evidence for climate change.
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(1) MP3s mirror KSFO's full hours; meat typically runs from 10:00-29:00 and 38:00-58:00.
(2) C2C pages: this show | latest shows
PBS NewsHour
Uncertainty Over Health Effects of Oil Cleanup Worry Some Along Gulf — 23 Jun 2010 — Some coastal residents and cleanup workers are concerned that the oil, gas, and chemicals from the Gulf disaster are affecting their health.
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On-Scene Reports from the Gulf — 23 Jun 2010 — Two reports, from the Florida Keys and from New Orleans, where activists are confronting BP's wall of secrecy.
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Rense Radio
Clif High: Oil Volcano—An Ill Wind This Way Blows — 24 Jun 2010 — Three months ago, prior to the start of the Gulf oil disaster, the Web Bots predicted coming trouble in the oceans—an upwelling from the ocean floor, "ocean death," and a great increase in public awareness of the importance of ocean health. Clif discusses this "hit," the likelihood of toxic air pollution increasing, and many other issues related to the oil volcano and how things will play out in the future.
More Rense Radio
Coast To Coast
Worst-Case Scenarios — 19 Jun 2010 — Scientist Peter Ward discusses a few worst-case scenarios for how the Gulf oil spill might play out over the foreseeable future. Oh-my-gods include lightning bolts igniting a methane cloud over Miami; and, in a wicked twist, oil turds making it all the way to the beaches of Britannia, BP's homeland.
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(1) MP3s mirror KSFO's full hours; meat typically runs from 10:00-29:00 and 38:00-58:00.
(2) C2C pages:
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Radio EcoShock
Danger Deep in the Gulf — 25 Jun 2010 — Some are warning that the Gulf will explode into a tsunami, killing millions. Tea Partiers fear the Gulf spill will lead to forced evacuations and FEMA camps. Alex Smith examines why Americans are reaching a state of panic over the BP disaster, bringing things back down to reality with a couple of scientists.
Audio no longer available from host site.
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Fresh Air
The Science Behind Deep-Water Oil Drilling — 24 Jun 2010 — The BP disaster has raised questions about the oil industry's ability to manage the risks and challenges involved in drilling thousands of feet below the ocean floor. New York Times science reporter Henry Fountain explains how deep-water drilling is supposed to work—and what may have gone wrong in the Deepwater Horizon operation.
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Living On Earth
Let the River Work — 18 Jun 2010 — Geologist Paul Kemp says increasing the volume of the Mississippi River flowing into the Gulf could help push back the oil from sensitive tidal areas.
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The Ixtoc Precedent — 18 Jun 2010 — Even as the situation in the Gulf of Mexico worsens, some pundits have been saying that wildlife there will eventually recover just fine, citing the case of Ixtoc well that suffered a 3-million-barrel blowout 31 years ago. But a scientist who was studying the sea life at that time says not all the parallels may hold true.
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Science Friday
Parallels Between Exxon Valdez and BP's Deepwater — 18 Jun 2010 — Alaskan journalist Charles Wohlforth, who covered the Exxon Valdez at the time and since, discusses the parallels that can be found between the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska and the current environmental crisis in the Gulf of Mexico.
Referenced books: (on
The Fate of Nature: Rediscovering Our Ability to Rescue the Earth
Matt Simmons: 400-Meter Deep Oil Lake May Cover 40% of Gulf Floor — 15 Jun 2010 — Matt Simmons says the oil leak has created a 400-meter-deep "oil lake" that is spreading out on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico, covering up to 40% of it. He says the relief wells will not work. The situation is so disastrous, he thinks eventually the only realistic option will be to try to seal the leak(s) by melting the rock strata with nuclear devices.
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Russia Today / The Keiser Report
Mike Ruppert: Gulf Oil Disaster the Trigger Event for Collapse? — 15 Jun 2010 — Mike Ruppert talks about the Gulf Oil disaster in the context of peak oil and as a possible trigger event for overall collapse happening sooner rather than later. ~~ Max and Stacy also discuss the "Seize BP" campaign and how the big money players are flip-flopping on inflation-deflation.
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Referenced DVD: (on
Gulf Disaster Really a Hazardous-Waste Situation — 18 Jun 2010 — After C-Spin's weekly unwinding of journalistic hoo-hah, Riki Ott and Tim Dickinson provide on-the-scene reporting on cleanup efforts in the Gulf and BP's bizarre behavior.
Deep Water Horizon and the Campaign to Sustain the Unsustainable — 17 Jun 2010 — JHK examines the tragic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the fog of incomplete information that surrounds it. Kunstler sees this incident as further proof that the peak oil story is real—to feed the oil beast, we're now taking on projects that present high levels of risk. But will the disaster force America to rethink its lifestyle and the campaign to sustain the unsustainable?
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Radio EcoShock
Dark Conspiracies of the Gulf — 18 Jun 2010 — Along with oil and methane pouring out of the Gulf gusher, rumors, myths, and assertions of conspiracy are permeating the issue. Alex Smith investigates. Is it possible this leak can never be contained? Plus Stanford Research's Jack Alpert explains "time blindness"—why many of us can't mentally process big problems like peak oil and climate change.
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John Rubino: Deepwater Politics — 17 Jun 2010 — John Rubino discusses the politics of the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and how it will play into broader agendas.
Audio no longer available from host site.
"Stanley the Fixer" Pops Up at BP + Reports on Gulf Oil Impact — 18 Jun 2010 — After headlines... ~~ (1) Catherine Austin Fitts discusses judge Stanley Sporkin, who has held various positions in dark-agenda operations of The Powers That Be. Hey, look who's at BP now! ~~ (2) Reports on cleanup efforts in the Gulf and the cultural devastation that BP's oil gusher has unleashed on Gulf communities.
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Coast To Coast
Lindsey Williams: Insider Info on Gulf Oil Crisis — 13 Jun 2010 — Williams provides information on the Gulf disaster he claims was given to him by sources deep inside the petroleum industry. The news is not good.
(1) MP3s mirror KSFO's full hours; meat typically runs from 10:00-29:00 and 38:00-58:00.
(2) C2C pages: this show | latest shows
New Orleans Oyster Processor Runs Out Of Oysters — 11 Jun 2010 — The fallout from the BP oil spill continues to ripple through the Gulf economy. This week, P&J Oyster Co. in New Orleans—the oldest continuously operating oyster processor in America—announced it has no oysters to process.
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As Oil Moves East, Anger Rises — 10 Jun 2010 — Oil has slinked into the inland waters of Perdido Bay, a body of water on the Alabama-Florida state line. There weren't enough skimmers or boom to corral the brown, gloppy goo. This has infuriated local officials who knew this was coming, and they blame BP and the federal government for not doing more to prevent it. As the oil from the spill has moved east, it's been a familiar story.
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Sea Turtles Among Oil Spill Victims — 10 Jun 2010 — Sea turtles are among the wildlife victims of the Gulf oil spill. Now, a group of rescuers is trying to save the endangered reptiles.
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MSNBC / Dylan Ratigan Show
Matt Simmons: Horrible Choices — 07 Jun 2010 — Energy expert Matt Simmons says we basically have two options to address the Gulf oil leak: Let the well run dry (taking up to 30 years and probably destroying the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean) or nuking the well (hoping to melt the rock and seal the holes). If we decide against those horrible choices, the best move would be to use supertankers to suck up as much oil as possible ahead of hurricane season, when the oil will be picked up and will paint the Gulf Coast black.
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Living On Earth
Eureka, They Found It—Unfortunately — 04 Jun 2010 — LSU researcher James Cowan talks about the globules of oil permeating the sub-surface Gulf and why the use of dispersants was a terrible mistake that will lead to huge dead zones.
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Radio EcoShock
Paint It Black — Oil Activism — 04 Jun 2010 — Round up of anti-BP protests in US ~~ Offshore drilling halted in US and Canada ~~ Ideas and songs for your activism ~~ Funny speech by The Yes Men ~~ Andy Bichlbaum on media activism and punking the US Chamber of Commerce, Exxon/Mobile, the Canadian government, and Copenhagen
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ABC News
BP and Feds Withheld Videos Showing Massive Scope of Oil Spill — 03 Jun 2010 — New videos show how BP, with little resistance from the Coast Guard or other federal agencies, kept the public in the dark about just how bad things were beneath the surface of the Gulf of Mexico.
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PBS NewsHour
BP's 'Cut and Cap' Attempt Moves Forward — 03 Jun 2010 — BP made new progress on the Gulf oil spill Thursday as undersea robots managed to cut the main pipe on a damaged wellhead, which may allow engineers to cap the gusher.
Audio no longer available from host site.
Jane Lubchenco on Prognosis — 02 Jun 2010 — A report on the saw that got stuck during attempts to remove a damaged pipe; plus NOAA head Jane Lubchenco gives her take on what recent setbacks mean for stopping the flow.
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Louisiana's Oyster Industry Crippled by Oil Spill — 02 Jun 2010 — A report on how one Louisiana parish is coping with the oil spill and the growing threat to its oyster industry.
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Catherine Austin-Fitts on Broader Economic Impact — 03 Jun 2010 — Fitts says the likely level of economic impact of the Gulf oil leak across the southeast and eastern US states has yet to be fully appreciated.
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C-Realm Podcast
Mycoremediation—Mycelium Running ... on Oil-Soaked Beaches — 02 Jun 2010 — Frank Aragona discusses the potential for using specialized mushrooms to help remediate the coastal damage in the Gulf states. ~~ Also in this clip, a discussion of the potential for big agriculture—which is highly dependent on debt, fossil fuels, and chemical inputs—to collapse. If that happens, what will fill the food void?
Audio no longer available from host site.
Financial Sense NewsHour
Matt Simmons on Just How Serious the Gulf Leak Is — 29 May 2010 — Simmons gives an insider's perspective on the multiple oil leaks in the Gulf of Mexico, efforts to solve the issue (including bombing the area), as well as what it means now and how it could impact the future.
More FSN audio here
PBS NewsHour
Status Overview — 27 May 2010 — Obama extends drilling moratorium, defends administration's spill response; Gulf oil disaster surpasses the Exxon Valdez spill
Audio no longer available from host site.
Crews Scramble to Protect Louisiana Wildlife from Oil Leakage — 26 May 2010 — A report on the implications for the wildlife along Louisiana's fragile coast and the attempts to protect the ecosystem from heavier oil.
Audio no longer available from host site.
Heavier Oil Flow Threatens Louisiana's Sensitive Barrier Islands — 25 May 2010 — A report from Louisiana, where the oil has begun to damage delicate barrier island ecosystems.
Audio no longer available from host site.
Obfuscation and Devastation — 26 May 2010 — (1) An update on the maneuvering and obfuscations of BP and the various government agencies releasing information to the public about the oil spill. (2) Catherine Austin Fitts thinks the coming economic impact of the Gulf disaster will far exceed current projections. She also comments on the Wall Street banks, who are now fighting over the carcass of the bailout money.
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NPR / All Things Considered
The Economics Of Deepwater Horizon — 27 May 2010 — Peter Coy of Bloomberg BusinessWeek magazine discusses the financial aspects of BP's now infamous Gulf oil project.
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Sniffing Out Oil-Tainted Seafood — 26 May 2010 — How do the pros sniff out oil-contaminated seafood?
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Senate Looks Into Oil Company Liability Cap — 25 May 2010 — A Senate panel looking into liability issues arising from the Gulf oil spill has turned its attention to a liability cap that some lawmakers worry might be used by BP to get out of paying the full cost of the cleanup and damages.
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NPR / Talk of the Nation
The MMS—Sex and Drugs and Rock & Roll ... and Oil Leases — 25 May 2010 — An Interior Department IG report describes the inappropriate behavior and lax approach of federal regulators overseeing offshore drilling during the 2000s.
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BP's Oil Spill Estimates Improbable ... and Other Stories — 20-21 May 2010 (1) An independent scientist says there may be as much as 100,00 barrels per day flowing out of the broken oil well. (2) Politicians, locals, and experts are of mixed minds on a Louisiana plan to create a sandbar as a barrier to the approaching oil. (3) The oil disaster has shed a harsh light on the Minerals Management Service's foibles and cozy relationship with the oil industry. (4) A Mississippi tour boat captain has put his oil-soaked frustrations to song.
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Living On Earth
Deepwater Horizon - Deep Doodoo — 14 May 2010 — In clip one, huge amounts of chemical dispersants are being used to break up the Gulf oil leak/spill/slick, despite limited knowledge about their ecological effects. In the second clip, scientists explain the value of the ecosystem services that are now at risk because of the underwater oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico.
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Oil Spill in Loop Current + Criminal Investigation — 21 May 2010 — (1) As the BP oil spill enters the Loop Current, researchers along the coast are bracing for the impact upon wildlife and ecosystems. (2) U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer is calling for a criminal investigation into BP's handling of the Gulf oil disaster.
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EarthBeat Radio
As Gulf Oil Disaster Continues, More Drilling Moves Forward — 18 May 2010 — Jackie Savitz of Oceana discusses Senate plans to support even more offshore drilling ~~ Elinor Ostrom talks about the economics of protecting the environment by focusing on "the commons"
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No longer available
Mike Ruppert: LATOC Q & A — 10 May 2010 — Will it be China's faltering economy that finally ignites a global financial blow-up? Or maybe it will be the fallout from the Gulf oil leak or the still-gurgling pool of toxic derivatives. Ruppert also discusses... the advisability of home gardens and seed saving; the return of the robber barons; the unlikelihood of martial law in the US, in spite of the likelihood of increasing civil violence and gang activity; why the never-ending-growth paradigm must die.
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Gulf Oil Spill: In Depth — 12-13 May 2010 — Four stories... (1) The difficulties of measuring the oil spill ~~ (2) How defects may have contributed to oil spill ~~ (3) Despair is grouwing among those living in the Gulf region ~~ (4) But one reporter says the impacts may not be catastrophic
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Radio EcoShock
From the Deepwater Horizon — A Gulf Oil Spill Special — 07 May 2010 — Riki Ott, a marine biologist, fisherwoman, and spill expert, reports from New Orleans. ~~ Peak Oil guru Richard Heinberg talks about big-picture implications. ~~ Former Shell Oil executive Anita Burke gives the inside track.
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PBS NewsHour
In Gulf of Mexico, Oil Containment Device Poised to Help Slow Leak — 06 May 2010 — A series of officials, mostly from the US government and industry, give the official view of the situation and the effort to cap the leak.
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Prison Radio / Mumia Abu-Jamal
Oil on the Waters — 04 May 2010
...OR... Be outraged, forget, repeat.
Audio no longer available from host site... 2:01
Louisiana's Gulf Coast Braces For Oil's Arrival — 30 Apr 2010 — Oil spilling into the Gulf of Mexico is very close to the coastline of Louisiana. The US Coast Guard and other emergency responders are gathering in five areas along the Gulf Coast to try to protect land and wildlife.
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Why It's So Tough To Stop The Gulf Oil Leak — 29 Apr 2010 — More than a week after an explosion destroyed an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, killing eleven workers, 200,000 gallons of oil continue to flow into the Gulf each day. The spill will soon hit the coastline. David Biello, associate editor of energy and environment at Scientific American, explains the origins of the of the oil leak, puts the size of the spill in historical context, and talks about the tools available to clean it up.
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The Oil Spill and Coastal Wildlife — 30 Apr 2010 — Melanie Driscoll of the Louisiana Coastal Initiative, an environmental group, talks about the potential impact the Gulf oil spill could have on birds in the region.
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Puru Saxena: $300/Barrel Oil — 25 Apr 2010 — Puru Saxena gives a great 5-minute overview of peak oil as he explains why he thinks the price of oil will hit $300/barrel in a few years. He says there is no question that 10 years from now we are going to be using a lot less oil than we do today.
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