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Audio/Video with Michael C. Ruppert




Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Grinning Planet

Michael C. Ruppert — 1951-2014Michael C. Ruppert Earlier this week, Michael C. Ruppert, one of the most featured commentators on Grinning Planet in the last decade, was found dead of a gunshot wound, apparently self-inflicted.

GP comment:  For those of us who understand the high level of irritation Mike Ruppert caused The Powers That Be, it is tempting to think "they finally killed him" and just made it APPEAR as though he committed suicide. They certainly do that on a regular basis to people who are causing them problems.

But a quick read through these posts by two of the people closest to Mike provide compelling evidence that he did take his own life. Indeed, his high level of anxiety and major mood swings were easy enough to perceive for those of us who regularly listened to The Lifeboat Hour, and he stated more than once that he was ready to die.

In early April, Mike had seemed excited by the opportunity to work on a mainstream-media project and get paid well for it. Perhaps that went south and was the final straw for a man tired of bullshit, tired of penury, and tired of playing the role of warrior. Whatever the reason Mike finally decided to go through with it (after many, many instances of threatening suicide, says Jenna Orkin), it does not matter. It is done and he is finally peaceful.

Thank you for fighting the fight for as long as you did, Mike. My life and the lives of countless others are inestimably better today because of the awareness you imparted and the subsequent lifestyle changes we made. Farewell, friend.



Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Vice

Apocalypse, Man—World's End According to Michael C. Ruppert Michael Ruppert in corral, backlit by sun Michael Ruppert says we have a choice to make: approach living with a new state of consciousness, or descend into a dog-eat-dog scenario of endless war and grasping for depleting resources. This clip is from a new, half-completed film called Apocalypse, Man, which updates the stark assessment of the world Ruppert offered in 2009's Collapse. Topics include dirty energy technologies as exemplars of pre-collapse insanity; the militarization of local police departments as an early step on the path to centralized totalitarian control; why the public rejection of the US intention in Syria is a hopeful sign; and how Native American philosophy can inform "what we do next."
Watch  |  Download/listen   32:43

GP comment:  There are bits of navel gazing here and there that will appeal only to Ruppert fans, but the meat of his analysis is must-listening for everyone. If you never saw his movie Collapse, start there.

Original Show Pub Date: 21.Jan.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good The Lifeboat Hour

Stand Up on Your Hind Legs and Howl — Mike Ruppert comments that mainstream culture is insane. Many people are waking up to this; though the crazy train rolls on. ~~ An audio essay by John Trudell speaks to the need for (and effectiveness of) relentless passive resistance. ~~ An audio clip from Terrence McKenna explains why it's ludicrous that the people at the top of the various political, economic, and religious hierarchies think they are more informed on "how things are" and therefore entitled to tell the rest of us what to think and do. The only thing that is real (and knowable) is the experience, the moment. The authenticity of our own minds must take precedence over thought- and behavior-modifying rules. Act on your intuition, without regret—stand up on your hind legs and howl.
Download/listen   56:42

GP comment:  Ruppert advises, "Stop asking crazy people whether you are insane." In other words, stop using the reference points of the mainstream but bat-shit-crazy world to assess yourself, your thoughts, and your actions.

Original Show Pub Date: 06.Apr.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen The Lifeboat Hour

Peak Oil—Past, Present, and Future — Richard Heinberg and Mike Ruppert, two veterans of the effort to alert the public to the problem of peak oil, review the last decade from that perspective. Were the peak oil prophets right? Will peak oil mean collapse, or burning the last, worst dirty fuels, or merely transitioning to alternative energies? Who have been the most influential players in the peak oil movement?
Download/listen   58:00

GP comment:  Good to hear these two guys talking.

Original Show Pub Date: 30.Mar.2014


Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good The Lifeboat Hour

The Horror and Beauty of Collapse — Mike Ruppert reads part of James Howard Kunstler's worthwhile essay, Are You Crazy To Continue Believing In Collapse?, which explains the factors that have allowed the elites to keep their Ponzi scheme going a lot longer than many predicted they could. Ruppert cautions us not to get too wrapped up in the machinations of the TPTB (like Dem-GOP politics, proxy wars, etc.)—constant engagement in negativity cannot be part of a positive outcome. He also talks about some of the dire climate predictions of Paul Beckwith. Finally, he reminds us of Terrence McKenna's comment that a human birth is a beautiful thing but, in its way, also a horrific experience. Similarly, as the horror of collapse unfolds, we must remember to see the beauty in the rebirth of humanity.
Download/listen   58:00

GP comment:  The first 10 minutes or so is an update of Ruppert's personal situation—for Ruppert fans only. The rest of you, hang in there; the remainder of the show is worth it.

Original Show Pub Date: 09.Mar.2014


Rating: 3 of 5 - Good, worth a listen The Lifeboat Hour

Ruppert on Warrior Culture, Collapse, and The Garden — Mike Ruppert discusses the need to dismantle the warrior culture. The evidence from pre-historical societies shows that violent domination is not inherent in human behavior—it has been learned, and it can be unlearned. He also talks about Daniel Quinn's Ishmael, which reveals a culture that is killing the world around it. Of note, he relates the parable of an ever-consuming Adam, first outgrowing the garden, then the region, until he finally consumes the entire earth, and then.... Ruppert finishes up with a review of what's GOOD about peak oil and collapse.
Download/listen   1:02:50

GP comment:  The way things are going is horribly wrong, and collapse is probably the only solution. But I suspect the process will not be at all pleasant.

Original Show Pub Date: 16.Feb.2014

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Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good The Lifeboat Hour

Guy McPherson on Climate Feedback Loops — 11 Aug 2013 — Guy McPherson explains why the multiple climate feedback loops that are on the verge of starting—or have already begun—mean the planet is headed for a new climate regime that will be very, very bad for humans. Also discussed in the program is the meltdown scenario at Fukushima, where inundation of the fuel rods would spell disaster on a previously unknown scale.
Download/Listen   57:52

Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good The Lifeboat Hour

Orlov on the "6th Stage of Collapse" — 27 Oct 2013 — Dmity Orlov discusses his new "6th stage of collapse"—environmental collapse. In particular, he sees catastrophic climate change and radiation from Fukushima to be the top threats—though there are plenty of others. He laments the futility of further annoying people with talk of collapse—they aren't listening, or at least not changing their behavior, so why keep annoying them? He also comments on Russia's geopolitical stance vs. the US.
Download/Listen   58:47

Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good The Lifeboat Hour

The Accelerating Demise of Our Industrial Society — 26 May 2013 — Mike Ruppert reviews the many signs that the demise of our industrial society is accelerating, as infrastructure collapses, as the rule of law increasingly does not apply, and as The Powers That Be have fewer and fewer options for keeping the game going. Although he empathizes with people who are still pursuing change through normal channels—for instance, protesting fracking at a county council meeting—he thinks such activities just end up being part of the theatre of the ruling class, a way for TPTB's minions to let caring folks have their tantrums but still do what the corp-gov empire demands in its unwavering effort to maximize profit and power at the expense of all else.
Download/Listen   53:50

Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good The Lifeboat Hour

The Five Horsemen of the Global Apocalypse — 12 May 2013 — Michael Ruppert reframes the "Four Horsemen" meme: in the unfolding collapse of industrial civilization, the horsemen are climate chaos, plague-level diseases, radioactive contamination, drought, and war—the interwoven threads in our carpet of doom. He also gives food contamination/adulteration (especially GMOs) an honorable mention. He spends the hour discussing these topics, as well as the meta-theme of how life can be so generally good at the same time our long-term prospects are f*cked.
Download/Listen   56:17

(GP comment:  Ah, yes, that would be the benefit of living within the walls of an empire that exploits the rest of the world.)

Rating: 5 of 5 - Must-listening! The Lifeboat Hour

If You Don't Like GMOs, Stop Buying Products That Support Them — 18 Nov 2012 — Michael Ruppert reads a list of companies and the amounts they contributed to defeat California's Proposition 37, which would have be the first GMO labeling law in the US. It is essential that we understand who the enemy is and withdraw our financial support from the products and companies that were on the wrong side of Prop 37.
Download/Listen   5:29

Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good Lifeboat Hour

Circling the Drain... But Where Does the Drain Lead? — 08 Nov 2013 — Mike Ruppert thinks the seriousness of civilization killers like Fukushima and catastrophic climate change have taken humanity beyond the point of being able to regain control. Not even his keynote "changing the way money works" will fix things now. But what is on the other side of collapse? To explore that question, Ruppert features some clips from Terrence McKenna, who offers many apt observations, including: We are experiencing the fire in the madhouse at the end of time. But to fear this cataclysmic transition is to misunderstand—this is what species do when they return to the stars.
Download/Listen   1:00:00

Rating: 4 of 5 - Very good The Lifeboat Hour

TPTB and Suppression of Expanding Consciousness — 17 Mar 2013 — Graham Hancock and Mike Ruppert discuss efforts by The Powers That Be to suppress expansion of consciousness—the one thing that truly threatens their control. At the corp-gov level, Hancock sees the US as a huge global problem. But at the grassroots level, he sees a great growing effort among the masses to break free from the structures of suppression.
Download/Listen   55:00


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