Chicken Run funny quote #1

Ginger: "Listen. We'll either die free chickens or we die trying."
Babs: "Are those the only choices?"
Chicken Run funny quote #2
Ginger: "Think, everyone, think. What haven't we tried yet?"
Bunty: "We haven't tried not trying to escape."
Babs: "Hmm. That might work."
Chicken Run funny quote #3
Ginger: "So laying eggs all your life and then getting plucked, stuffed and roasted is good enough for you, is it?"
Babs: "It's a livin'."
Chicken Run funny quote #4
Rocky: "Now, the most important thing is, we have to work as a team, which means: you do everything I tell you."
Chicken Run funny quote #5
Rocky: "Is there a problem here?"
Ginger [rhetorically]: "Have we flown over that fence?"
Rocky: "Not quite."
Ginger: "Then there's a problem."
Chicken Run funny quote #6
Ginger: "But you're supposed to be up there - you're the pilot."
Fowler: "Don't be ridiculous. I can't fly this contraption."
Ginger: "'Back in your day'? The Royal Air Force?"
Fowler: "644 Squadron, Poultry Division—we were the mascots."
Ginger: "You mean you never actually flew the plane?"
Fowler: "Good heavens, no! I'm a chicken! The Royal Air Force doesn't let chickens behind the controls of a complex aircraft!"